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An interesting topic of drawn feet for artists and fans alike are the preferred number of toes a character should have.
I'm certainly not the first to ask this question but I thought it would be insightful to find out what everyone's thoughts on the matter are.

Will get this poll going just for fun but the subject can have a lot of nuance for discussion below if people fancy it!? There is no truly wrong or right preference to have and I will be offering examples in each option to show how there is space for every type.

No end date for this as its not a competition, also allowing for multiple choices because everyone's allowed to like more then one thing.



It truly depends I feel...I would vote for 3, 4 and 5 toes if I could. ^^


Hard question, my favorite characters have different toe digits, but i think I'll go with 4 because I love classic dragon paws (3 big toes and 1 small)


Yes a dewclaw, couldn't think of the word


Personaly it depend of the character fir me ^^. I mostly prefer the 4 toes in general but I appreciate the 5 toes on character supposed to have like Ferret, Raccoon, bears :3 ! I also love 3 toes on cute characters like Fox/cats so if I should said my fav are not exist, I just appreciate 3 toes as much than 4 and 5 toes when the character is fit with thus number UwU ! Still a very interesting pole to do , thanks for this Footpaw ^^


3-5 is the range for me. There's a bunch of characters that look cool for each one. 2 is okay, but miss me with 1 or no toed-feet. I'm still incredibly annoyed at the "canon" design for Sonic characters to have these weird, toeless, blob feet. It just makes them look strange and it bothers me.


It is interesting but I'm sure I'm not the first to make one like this. Its something people can feel passionately about and for me personally its about consistency. Nice to see some stats regarding it though for myself.


To play devils advocate on this one, I do think there is an active effort by the modern sonic team not to be bogged down by foot details. Sonic is a very stylistically designed character (Coolness over sexiness) and part of that design involves overly exaggerated features like hands and feet. They look right because they are both covered by gloves and shoes with a clear boarder of separation, but the moment those come off there's an undeniable proportion problem that makes putting digits on them look weird! So to maintain the style they opted to make the feet look as close to shoes as possible! (Encase your wondering my thoughts, I do think 5 is the correct number for Sonics crew as it is consistent with the number of fingers they have).

Torin Otter

Depends on the character imo! I generally like 4 for anthro OCs but the TMNT made me furry from a young age and those 2-toed feet are 👌


4 fingers, 4 toes. Very easy


You typically show off more fan art then OC stuff so its good to get your stance!


They were quite well drawn and it did become a sort of look for mutant types in the 80s/90s Not sure if you'd count him due to his heel claw but Foghorn Leghorn also comes to mind.


Four often look better and I'm also not always cosistant with it.


Yep, indeed! It's odd: I tried voting for all those the other day but couldn't figure it out. Oh well! ^^


3 or 4 toes on my part are both fine. I’m fond of 5 toes irl, but when it comes to anthros I can’t help but find human-like feet dull. It’s not bad, but it feels uninspired. (I can compare it to like how Marvel does it in their movies: they take a basic human, slap green, blue or red paint on it and call it an “alien”)


I typically find that an odd by-product of this approach is the inconsistent decision to have pads on 5 toed feet or not as they no longer resemble anything like a paw (Obviously this exudes Ursidae or Procyon types)! I get where your coming from as there is a missed opportunity to have the feet be interesting or thematically correct while humans already have the human look covered nice and distinctly. There are other odd contradictions with how people view this which I wont go into here but its always an interesting one to explore.


This conversation is toetally footy


I'd stick with the number of toes the species actually has. Falco is a mystery, because how does he fit in those boots with a hind toe? Putting 3 toes on a 4 toed fox or 2 on a bird is odd. Setting a toe standard is also not going to work. You need to be flexible to the species and situation. Long live the paw of every species!