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My winter coat makes me extra fuzzy!

Got some big news to share. Been busy so far this month doing a little bit of gift art and some gallery corrections. Also have a gig coming at the end next week and also helping with a house move as the main van driver for a big 10.5 hour journey in a couple of days (I also happen to be dealing with getting my car repaired for its MOT just to make things a little more awkward)!

So with all that in place, I have a relatively simple 2 part picture for you all this month with the 1st part coming very soon. While simple looking it still has my full attention and comes as fan art from a show you may know ^^  

I'm opening for colouring those gift pictures on Monday 23rd so if any of you wanted your line-works coloured by me then that's the time to get in touch.
Will be doing those along side a public collaboration piece so that's another free thing to look out for in the near future. More details soon!

There was a request for a Bundle of Paws YCH https://www.patreon.com/posts/bundle-of-paws-71927437 a few months back and I will be seeing that one through as well for mid Feb!
Will be happy to do 2 pics worth for a total of 6 available slots if there is enough interest for it!? Those slots will be going for $40 each and dont have to be paws like in the original as they will all be tailored to the group should you have reptilian or avian feet to work in for example! Will give everyone with a slot a chance to talk about who goes where for the best results when the time comes. Should be straight forward as they are all good slots.

And now the big one... Commissions will be available to Patreon's only and will be opening from 13th March 2023!
Ive listened to feedback about how to go about this and decided that for 1 week, anyone who is interested gives me their ideas (though there's really nothing to stop people from giving their ideas whenever) and I simply pick the few I'm most interested in. The amount I take on will depend entirely on the scope of each project so one month it may be 3 single character pics or 1 huge group piece.

Want to keep pricing simple and will have a list made closer to the time but the basics are:
$70 for Line Work per full character in my default style (like before you may also have the source files if you choose to have the piece coloured another way).
$130 fully coloured and shaded per full character in my default style.
Background can range from simple $10 to $60 fully coloured depending on complexity.
There is room for adjustment across the board as sometimes a character is half out of shot depending on the scene so things like that will be taken into consideration on a case by case basis.

As usual its any character, angle or pose you like as long as they agree with my normal rule set which I shall post up again with the price list submission.
(Please note that there are no rules saying it has to be paw related and gore is also allowed if that's what you want)!

None of this shall interfere with the current regular Patreon uploads as they actually get highest priority for having set deadlines and no extra tiers will be added to exclude potential customers.

Hope this was informative and each subject will get some dedicated spotlight time so if you miss this there's still a chance to catch any of the upcoming opportunity's as they become relevant.



Quick question about your commissions: I suppose you'll request payment to go through paypal. I was wondering if you might allow payment through patreon as well? I don't know if it's possible for patrons to change the amount they pledge for a tier, but if it is that could be a way to do it. I've been thinking about maybe trying to get a commission from you, but I'm one of those weirdos who doesn't use paypal (or anything equivalent) as Xss for privacy reasons.


I would consider it as I do believe you can change the amount you choose to donate each month, though it would be slightly harder to verify at my end as payment wouldn't come out until the 1st of the month and even then it would be the 5th before it arrives in my Paypal! So if my Patreon wouldn't mind timing it for that window and waiting for confirmation, then Id be OK with it.


I'm wishing you the best with commissions and your work! :) As someone who has fear of driving, thinking about taking a moving van on the road for so many hours fills me with dread! Now, I don't want to add more work on top of everything you're doing, but is there any chance you might do some more music uploads? You've posted a few clips from your band in the past, so I was wondering if you might post other type of content from time to time (personal improvisations or compositions, etc...). I'll understand if you wish to keep this strictly with visual arts though.


Half way through the journey now. One more huge stint to go and its not been the smoothest of events either! Musically I haven't seen much in the way or interest and feedback so Id rather not come across as if I'm shoving an unrelated interest of mine down peoples necks. As such I will keep things art related here as much as possible.