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Finally got done with the final line-work gift pictures and I'm almost fully over the cold I had recently.
I will be available to offer the colouring option for these gifts late Jan as I had pushed a lot of my December plans into January so things are running a tad late.

One thing I'm still on schedule for is my upcoming Christmas piece with this small preview below.

Its been a while since an angle and pose have given me a big challenge to overcome but this ones really putting me to the test!

The Commission problem!!!

Something that's cropped up a lot over the years is commission requests which I have promised to open for some time early next year (likely once I'm done with the gift colours).
Ive spoken to quite a few people regarding the price point they would expect from me and it varies massively so I have yet to come up with a solid price list.
I also have no idea how I will manage the number of commissioners as it looks like the moment I open I will be closed again likely within the day due to all the offers!
Its kinda scary for me to deal with the huge amount of additional work it will bring along side my regular uploads and my two other jobs and it seems unfair to anyone who wants art to have missed such a small window of opportunity to get one of my slots.
If I could clone myself to draw more and do my other jobs without compromise I would but this has been part of the reason Ive put it off for so long.

I cant help but get the feeling my prices will be considered unreasonable by the vast majority of fans and for the ones that are willing to pay, its like trying to win the lottery as the opportunity to get a slot is barley a day before I'm full and then have to spend a month or two completing the projects before I'm open again!

I'm cant be a full time artist so I dont have the free time to bust out pic after pic like some might be able to so am I just shooting myself in the paw by opening for commissions when it seems like the main result will just be disappointment for the vast majority of fans?



I'm really curious in knowing how you're going to price yourself, and how your audience will react to it. I'm a bit in the same boat: testing a bit the waters before opening commissions as well, and thinking my prices will be considered insultingly high while, at the same time, I'm totally undercutting myself (based on what I'll charge and the amount of time it takes me to finish a piece, I'm at around 5€/hour if not less...And that's before taking off taxes!). In any case, I'm wishing you the best of luck with that commission project!


My 5 cents? Do what your heart says. The rule of business says to charge as much as you can to give yourself the highest profit. This will alienate many it will cater to a particular crowd, but it will be profitable. But if you want to have a community not culled by wallet size, then you need to find a price in the bell curve that offers a chance to the majority of your fans, and then a system (usually a lottery of some kind, or "your own judgement) to determine 'which' commissions you will take. But again, it depends on what *you* want.


Profitable art is what I want to make but if I were to attracted fewer customers I would still only pick and choose the ideas I like the most. Either way I'm alienating people either due to high prices or by choosing my own preference in what to draw, which when said out loud is perhaps the least appealing thing for fans to hear! Its why I'm so hesitant to go ahead because what *I* want will not please the majority of people. I feel stuck (which is why I haven't done commissions for so long) but I will just have to bite the bullet and go ahead regardless now that gifts are coming to a close.


Thanks. Its a tough call to make for sure. The last full commission I did was 8 years ago now!