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Have been looking into some 3D programs lately as I feel it would be good to diversify my skill set.
Also seems like a great way to achieve more accuracy with fan art relating to 3D movies and games.

However I have always personally been more of a fan of 2D art and animation myself as I find most 3D art models to be a bit ridged and plastic looking!
I do know some tricks to help mitigate this like cell shading and breaking models to work from a specific angle, but I wonder if its actually worth the time to learn if all I'm doing is trying to make a 3D model look as much like a 2D one at the end of the day!

So just going to ask what you guys tend to like the look of more for a still image?


Raldy Blayzer (Chief Scarneck)

I definitely prefer 2D for still images, and a lot of poor quality SFM art helped cement this position. That said, I would also encourage reaching out into 3D and experimenting with it and see what you can make with it. A lot of artists I know have dabbled in 3D stuff and a lot of it is really great! They'll work great for any animation ideas you have

Jayden Maurice

I’d have to agree with you, I’ve always generally preferred 2D art, and there’s a lot of 3D stuff that appears very janky. However, I’ve definitely come across certain 3D artists that have made some phenomenal stuff. So, 3D stuff is worth experimenting with, it might spawn a whole series of fantastic pieces in the future. And if it doesn’t work out, there’s no shame in going back to 2D. At least they’ll have broadened their horizons.


Honestly 3D is great but I realy have a preference for 2D myself, and your amazing skill in 2D art are, for me, part of the most amazing I ever see and you still have give us quality art even at your first days ^^. Of course we no tell you to no try at all, you probably saw it but it have a loooot of amazing artist in 3D and since VR tchat is here it have more and more ask for avatar creation, you could try to learn 3D on your free time ! If you enjoy it you could do nice animation and even modelising yourself in 3D ^^. So Footpaw, a lot of we all prefer your 2D art but we no said you can't just try for your own fun !


I agree with what's been said: 2D for still images, in general. BUT I think it'd be interesting to see what *you* can do in 3D. So my answer is "I prefer 2D", but if the question was "would I be interested in you trying 3D?" Then my vote would be yes.


It would be cool if we could pose the models in sfm or gmod but I feel like that would be a lot more work for you and take long to finish.


3D art generaly takes more work to look at least the same as 2D. I am never opposed to new stuff and 3D from FP would for sure be amazing, but it would also be hard and different. When it comes to you i will always love your 2D, trying out 3D might be a good idea tho, if you can dedicate enough time to it.


3D is very unforgiving. It needs a ton of work to actually look good in the end. Even if you see the creator put a lot of work and dedication into it, the immersion often suffers still. It's maybe more our perception that is unforgiving. So if you have interest in doing it, then do it.


Im aware that its a huge undertaking. You nailed it with the fact that our perception and I have a very picky eye for such things. I will try it and see what happens but it could be a year before there are any results. Theres a lot that can be done with it in the mean time though so it will not be a waist of time.


I would say it's mandatory for serious creators in the fandom as VR becomes more and more accessible. People will pay real good money for 3D models of their characters, just take a look at Dockyo and Lucyon. Good 3D artists are already hard to find and the fandom needs more. There IS a bigger time commitment with learning the craft of 3D software and 3D animation but I would say, if you're dead serious about doing stuff with it in the future (no matter what form that may take) it's worth the investment. Hit me up at kzmaster2020@gmail.com, I can point you to free resources and contacts to help you on your journey.


Thank you for the input.. I may come your way once Ive tried out the options I have already. Those being both Unity and Blender. It does seem like a big but worth while investment as long as I can keep making content while I learn, but I'm notoriously slow at learning new programs! I'm just very confident in my fundamentals of design, animation and style but none of that will matter if I cant make a program do what I want. Games/VR avatars are something for me to look at much later down the line but I'm trying one thing at a time. This is the year I commit to it and I plan to start some time in April!