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I have a pair which I'm willing to share (also have some foot shots of other peoples feet) but there are also Furs who find human feet kinda gross!

Should I post up RL pics of my feet here as bonus content?



I suppose I should have guessed that few people here would be into ONLY human feet lol. Well good to have the option still ^^




If people want to like only human feet then that's perfectly fine. Remember that anthro paws are the "strange" thing to be into, relatively speaking.


Ive seen your rl feet, they are very cute and healthy looking, i'd love to see more if possible :3


I'm not saying pedicure, but well groomed and clean is great bonus content, like when you check into a hotel and there's a chocolate on the pillow. Human feet are only gross when they haven't been taken care of right just like anything else. Consider it art and display accordingly if the shot and background are good. Premium not gross.


I do consider it art but its art not everyone should be pushed into seeing. I'm getting a good idea of what people come here to see now and its all reasonable given my usual subjects. They will be made available but in a more discreet way while my main pics will be plastered all over the walls. Speaking of... ETA on the next big picture will be this Monday!


In fact in F-Zero James McCloud was a human after going through the wormhole. There are other examples of that idea, so you should be comfortable representing your fox as human.


I mean, I like paws, talons, and various forms of feet (heck even sometimes hooves), but lets be serious here, rl feet are the best because you can actually touch, sniff, tickle, and adore them personally. You know how I wouldn't be against you sharing rl fee as bonus content...especially since yours are so pretty to fawn over. Certainly not against seeing other's either. Also, the tickle torture of humans say, by pokemon from what I read in the comments above is always a fun idea that doesn't show up nearly as much as it should. (same for Digimon, and just in general of the suffering of humans under creatures/anthros) Also certainly not against seeing human feet in artwork as well, as you draw humans very well, if that picture of your martial arts self is anything to go by. ^^


Its quite an old picture so hopefully I'm a little better at it now. I know what you mean about having the real deal and I couldn't agree more. For the time being I would like to keep my prices cheap and simple until I feel I have enough new material to consider any changes to that as its been suggested a few times for different reasons now! Right now I want to work hard, give as much as I can and earn peoples generosity ^^


Yep it's all there


Anywho, you're pretty good. Keep on it.


Oh id love to to see them honestly :3