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Since Ive seen a lot more growth here then expected after my last FA Journal https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/9866936 , I figured it would be worth revealing a road map of my plans come June 27th.

For a start the main attraction will by regular art submissions. While people have given me advice on how to prevent art theft in the form of lowing the resolution and slapping watermarks all over the place, Id rather not ruin the images I create for the people that come here legitimately.

Previously I have been rewarding my early adopters with free gifts like full line work images (more info for ones this still applies to can be found here https://www.patreon.com/posts/50190508 ). 

With this coming to an end after 9 seasons, I want to make different gifts for people who have joined since so instead I will be working on a smaller scale to make free fully coloured avatars for loyal fans. 

Being much easier, faster images, I can put these out in blocks of 9 at a time until I have something for everyone ^^
These can be anything from a simple head shot to a single paw shot (bare in mind that these will often have to fill a space only 100 x 100 pixels so bold designs will tend to work better). I will also have examples of this encase any of this is unclear.

Another thing Id like to do is make use of the poll voting system here to decide on the fate of certain characters or alts to existing pieces. Seeing what sort of things the majority of fans want to see from a pre established setting should be fun!

Future YCH offerings will be made here exclusively with much lower starting bid prices (since your already paying to be here its only fair). Everything else about how that is done will remain the same. 

WIPs will be more like bonus filler content as I only want to reveal them for the work I have already completed to avoid spoiling the surprise of a new image. They will also come with little explanations to reveal more about my work process, so if that's something that interests you then that's a super easy thing to put in on a regular basis. 

The frequency of all these things will go up or down depending on if I hit my goals.
The main one being to get to $800 per month with the promise that I will entirely remove one job from my schedule in favour of this. There's enough of a safety net there without being too unrealistic and I'm almost a 3rd of the way there as of the date of this Post!

As it stands my workload will remain the same until June 27th regardless, so dont expect huge changes until then. (Just encase any new comers arrive in this underwhelming transitional period hoping for huge amounts of new content to enjoy)! 

Another of my goals as an artist has always been put more time into a picture so that it will stay in peoples minds long after its created rather then churn things out for a piece that's forgotten in less then a day. This is why I'm taking my time in working towards this target.

If any of you have some more simple suggestions to add to this then Id be more then happy to hear them out. And any questions regarding these updates are all welcome.

Thanks again for your time.



Hehe wow what a good and teasing plan you have here Footpaw X3 ! Well I'll be here again be sure of it, just the thing to can have an avatar do by you make me realy happy OwO !! I'm sure you'll give us good stuff to watch hehe. Also no worry your draw already keep in mind for years UwU proof is I remember each old draw you did in the past ( at least those I have see hehe) . In any case good luck with the futur works, I'm happy to see you got success here too you desserve it ^^. Hmmm for other suggestion I need to inow if you'll work with reward-system or no ;p . Cause I have a lot of experiment with latreon reward and can give you a lot of advises !


Let's see how it goes. I will miss having you draw for me very much but will enjoy most of your broader pawed stuff like badgers bears older dudes paws and cruel pics. If this is better for you than I bid you well. If it doesn't work change it. Be like water my friend.


Currently Id like to think that the content I'm offering is the reward for supporting me! But I will hear out your reward system idea before I come to a conclusion.


Right now I consider it an experiment worth trying. And if it doesn't work then its not the end of the world. People will be able to see my progress so if it fails (which Im allowing a LOT of time before I draw that conclusion because you cant expect success over night) then it shouldn't come as a surprise. You will almost certain get samples of all the things you mentioned above going forward too. The nature of my art is that it includes all types of creatures, themes and situations.


Happy to finally join here :)


Your very welcome. I shall make this place more cosy for all my guests over time.


Sounds like a plan, honestly the only way I can see theft would be the lower resolution for the public and hi res for supporters and fans of your work. I tend to support only a few artists at a time depending what they offer or if I just really love their work and style. Really hope you'll reach your goal and beyond, keep up the great work man!


Well considering you've been my Patreon right from the start, its very reassuring to see that I'm one of the ones you stuck with all this time. Thanks again.


I would love to see some of your working process. it is something i wold love to get a peek at. Or even have a timelapse videos of your art. It usually gives me a LOT more appreciation for the piece when i can see how much went into it and not just the finished thing. Anyways until then i'm patiently waiting for my turn at gift, art should never be rushed.


Ive never recorded myself drawing before. I like to go at my own pace and being recorded sounds like an unnecessary pressure for this sort of thing however I did go back and relocate lots of my old WIPs sketches and such to share over time. There is definitely a formula to it all which I look forward to sharing. Seems like your on the very next list of gift art seasons so it wont be too much longer before that becomes something I can work with you and you will get to see my WIP process first paw as a result!