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Just wanted to keep in touch with my fans here and give you all a little idea of what's coming up encase your interested!

First is that there will 2 coloured Patreon pictures that will be ready in January next year belonging to "Nomadl3" and "furry-bastinado" due to time constraints around the Christmas period. Jwocks picture is still on track for this week!

On that note I dont have an a Christmas themed picture planned this year but I do have a huge unrelated piece that's been in the works for some time coming before the end of the year!

Its Dragon themed and might not be to everyone tastes, but you know how it goes when you want to try something a bit different.

Once all the gifts are done I have one more picture on my late list that I consider a bit more "Safe" in terms of theme and it involves a lot of feets (who would have guessed)!

I might as well take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and another big Thanks for all the support =^.^=



Lot of very promising projects here, you reaoy are close from your communoty ^^. Can't wait to see all those projects come to life hehe. Also thanks I also wish you a merry christmas too Footpaw, you desserve all this support ! Now let's hope the new incoming year will be better than the last one , at least it can't be worst UwU...


I loved Santa last year. He was outstanding in terms of paws.


Thanks.. The least I can do is put him up as a featured submission this time. I will do my best to cover each major holiday at least once.


I love how this felt like a nintendo direct on all the art thats to come, really excited to see all these cute pieces. Who doesnt love dragon feet, theyre so adorable!


Didn't expect this to feel like a Direct but Im glad it had that effect. I do promise that the picture for the end of the year is my biggest in terms of shear scale.


Happy New Year Footpaws!I finally decided to be your patron! I want know you'll continue gift art at 2021?(sry my bad english and thx your time! )


Welcome. And yes I will be continuing the gift art. Might take a little while to get back to it as I have a few projects to finish off but I like to draw for everyone that is happy to stick around.