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Firstly a big thanks to everyone who has spotted this stuff and brought it to my attention over the years. 

I have built up a small collection now of stolen / repurposed art!

Wish I had saved some of the earlier stuff as there been some interesting adaptations to my pictures in the past.

Not all are stolen as some people actually ask for permission to take "inspiration" from some of my work which I am more then happy to allow. Unfortunately this "inspiration" seems to cover tracing and editing my images a lot of the time too!

I thought Id share a few with you lot but please know that I'm not angry or bitter about this in any way.

Its the internet so this sort of thing is bound to happen from time to time and if you recognize the other artists work (Ive removed their signatures) then please dont bother them. This is just for a bit of fun!

People seem to realy like tracing that pose!

From the latest gift art. This ones actually been traced rather then just coloured (there are small clues in the line work).

Is that felt tip!?

This T-Rex now bleeds honey... Yum!

You though the last one was weird!

This is what happens when Master Splinter does the fusion dance with Irma Langenstein and then gets captured for tickles!!!

There have been a few more but they are less focused on just my art being used and instead have bits of various artists works being used, so I cant safely say that the other stolen stuff is a bit of fun.

If you find any more stuff like this, Id love to see it!



An original is always worth more than a copy


Some people cant tell the difference. Thankfully I have my keen eyed fans looking out for this sort of thing and it usually gets brought to my attention. I'm quite easy going about this sort of thing but its a little sad to see some people paying money for some of these knock offs when the original is free!