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For sticking with me and donating your hard earned cash to my cause.

I have decided that all of my Pareons at this time (03/01/2019) have earned a little reward in the form of a SKETCH from yours truly.

This goes out to:

Jason Darklyte, Jwock, Noxy, Ting, Yoshi Ringo 

And Nomadl3 earning a colored piece for being such a huge supporter of mine over the months!

This is a single character sketch of your choosing (doesn't have to be your fursona!) and obeying the standard rules of my gallery (if your not sure whats OK then just ask).

These sketches will be made public to adhere to my promise that all pictures must be viewable by everyone for free!

Please leave a description in the comments below explaining what you would like if you would like a sketch?

(first come first serve and completion dates will be decided when I know whats coming!)


As for whats still to come. 

Scraps folder will receive a Polar Bear only version of "Lets Dance, Toe to Toe!"

The next installment in the bed paws collection will be this Sunday along with the PS file and all the foot line-work for you to do with as you please!


I look forward to hearing back from you all and have a good new year.



Nomadl3 Has the first slot.


Heyy, that's sweet of ya! &lt;3 I'll take my dhole (Indian wild dog) fursona engaging in some self hindpaw admiration! If you're ok with it, me sniffing and smooching one of my hindpaws' pawpads with a silly blissful grin on my face &lt;3 Reference: <a href="https://www.furaffinity.net/view/15263760/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.furaffinity.net/view/15263760/</a> (SFW unless you have a paw fetish)


Oh, thank you, Fox, it's very nice of you to suggest it. Here's my idea: Jwock was sitting in a chair after his shower (in a bathrobe of sorts) and taking care of his toe claws (like filing them with a nail file) when someone entered his room. So he's looking at the viewer with a surprised (maybe slightly embarrassed) look. Happy New Year to you all! : )


Not a problem. You have 2nd slot and we will discuss the finer details shortly (once I finish work).


Well you lot all donated out of the kindness of your heart with no expectation of a reward, which is a far more genuine sign of support then those who pay because they feel they have to to see their fav artists work!


Okay, well, I'm not the best at ideas, so here goes nothin. For basics, I'd like a sort of casual foot tease of Jet Vac from Skylanders--roughly/loosely based on this scene: <a href="http://fav.me/danb4us" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://fav.me/danb4us</a> Further ref: <a href="https://tinyurl.com/ybgz53hr" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://tinyurl.com/ybgz53hr</a>


Interesting choice. It will be fun to pencil in. You have the 4th slot!


Oh God you are too kind, with this stress going on about first time moving out, this news did make me smile. My idea was going to include my character Sparks, but she might be too feral and puppy like for the type of paws you draw. My other idea was going to be of a tired Lucario, kinda similar to Sleepy Lucario by teaselbone, but different enough to make it your own, doesn't have to be that exact same pose, maybe some toes in different poses, basically have fun with this idea. I've always wanted to see you draw a cute Lucario with the paws that they have, I'm excited to see what you come up with &lt;3


Its the least I can do for all your support. The feral part isn't a problem but the age might be depending on how suggestive it is! Ive drawn young characters before innocently <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17094676/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17094676/</a> If you do choose the sleepy Lucario then I will be sure to mimic the anime's art style which will help set it apart. For more sleepy Lucario <a href="https://youtu.be/hO8oLt1cu6s?t=355" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/hO8oLt1cu6s?t=355</a>


Thank you,This is a nice surprise. Same here. I'm not the best at ideas, so here goes nothin. I'd like a sort of casual foot tease of "Leonhart" from "Niehime to Kemono no Ou", Sorry,Because this is a manga character, there is no high-definition picture. Reference:<a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1euhgHinD4n2YtpcA5peZw6gB4ozOfNVP" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/open?id=1euhgHinD4n2YtpcA5peZw6gB4ozOfNVP</a>


Ooh. That's quite cool. Ive got no issue with with the low def pics but it would be good to know if there is there a foot reference available?