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What's up guys, did you like the content I've been bringing them?

I would like to know what you think about it, as far as I am concerned I am satisfied with the creations that I have been able to do in these last days, but I would also like to create SFW content, but I could not create so much in one day, and I would have two options, publish less days a week but bringing more content in each pack of images or publish NSFW and SFW content in different days, for example, Monday, Wednesday and Friday I would publish NSFW content and the rest of the days I would publish SFW content.

Use the same character for the two consecutive posts and move on to the next character and repeat.

What do you think? Thanks for all the support!



Christopher Landry

In my experience, a lot of creators only have one large distribution per month. Probably to match the Patreon payment cycle that was exclusively monthly for a long time. As long as you're going for at least that often, I would think it would be fine with most people.

Anxiety Art

I don't know much about how other creators distribute their content, I'm really new to these platforms. Any decision I make regarding the two examples I gave a week would be fine? I would also like to know if they like SFW content since my content is almost 100% NSFW and making a change like this I don't know how they will feel about it.