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More sketch ideas I did during the week. This really got me into a mental flow of creativity. Although the ideas weren't particularly innovative, it got easier and easier to just create characters with little effort.

For any artists out there, I cannot stress enough the simple practice of just finding a free flowing method of drawing that you enjoy. The momentum builds as you continue to do this... with anything really.  Whatever your craft is...

You can tell my earlier drawings from my later drawings by the amount of messy blue lines there are.  Generally, the cleaner the outline of the character, the more recent the drawing. The bottom ones being the most obvious early drawings.

Anyway, it's time to jump to cleanup art.

Onwards and Upwards!





Have you ever revealed Drone's Mecha Form yet? I could have sworn you were working on a mecha form for him.


That's another one I need to work on! Drone Meka-Form! I'd made a version of him on my Instagram but I want to update it.


Ah. Well... I very very much look forward to the day we finally see it man. I love that little sidekick of hers. I love that bluish version you have of him in that one akumi Banner.