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E's Laf++-----------------------------------------------------------------

[latest ver download] 

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■Game Update Points

All characters and systems
Sound volume Initial value to 30%.
Combo  Limit Time Hidden status of combo limit time is now displayed Instead  of it, the gauge of chase grace is gone by replacement.
Forward 1F gauge increase 6>3
Forward jump 1F gauge increase 4>2
Aerial dash 1F gauge increase 7>3
Invincible  moves/throws/2-gauge moves Gauge increase is now the same for all  characters, regardless of the number of hits (internal processing of the  variation on the attack side on hit will be programmed in the near  future).
Crouching and low posture attacks Some postures were too  low, causing anti-air and making it impossible to hit each other's  attacks.
Ground Throw: The startup time has been returned to 1F to  emphasize the comfort of the throw. The adjustment for this will be made  by adjusting the chase part of the throw, the rolling and collision  hitboxes of the thrusting type.
Back throws are now basically  impossible to follow up on (this does not apply to the use of set-up  moves, etc.). The purpose is to prevent back throws from defensive  actions from becoming a CORNER combo).
Ground/air throws: Damage  threshold increased by 1.5 times. Combo limit time was not set for some  characters (except Tae and sisca). Combo limit time 540>780F
Overhead type combo time limit 540>660F
anti-air type combo time limit 540>780F
FS moves/awakening moves: Combo time is not elapsed when the combo turns dark.
FS  moves: Darkening time increased by 4 FS effects slightly changed  (depends on character and move, but basic darkening time 20>24 F)
Overall,  the power of single moves has been increased instead of slightly  reducing the combo startup (still under adjustment). (Still being  adjusted) CH's do more damage or use FS or not.
Note: The addition of  rollback processing has changed the way hits are handled in the game.  Some combos may be affected. Please report us if you feel it is an  obvious bug.

Flames now disappear with damage.
6D No  longer hits ground opponents Active6>8F Hitbox has been moved forward  and upward Enlarged hitbox Enhanced to make it easier to hit air  opponents
236A[Tame] Gauge recovery rate 100>30
236B[flame]/214C/236CC Gauge recovery rate 100>50
Far B/2C [flame] Gauge recovery rate 100>75
214C  Ground pursuit grace 32>24F Air pursuit grace 24>12F Damage  1068>1525 Cool knockdown time of about 20F is given so that it cannot  be performed continuously
Throwing: Distance must be at least a certain value.

Throw [1st level] Add a sideways blast.
CloseB Add cancel route to 6B
D  Removed 2nd stage drawback. Added knockdown technique. It may still be  weak, so we plan to adjust the balance while playing against it.
D[CH] Wall bounce
Branding Explosion Active increased by 2F When given with a knockdown move, it often did not hit when exploding.
JB JA route added to make it easier to connect to an aerial throw since JD no longer hits
236B/236C  Removed 1/3 downwards hitbox. It was able to pass through ground moves,  but it was often caught, so it was adjusted so that only anti-air aimed  moves can hit.
236B>6C/236C>6C Expand hitbox Increase opponent hitstop 4F when hit Damage 993>1295 Combo correction 96>98%.
236B>C/236C>C Damage 993>1367
236B>D Gauge recovery rate 100>50
236A not to hit an opponent who is knockdown Gauge recovery rate 100>50
236A[Bullet] After a hit, the brand can move slightly behind the wall (the movement width will be reduced).

2C[Tame] Gauge recovery rate 100>60
6D[FS]  Fixed a bug where the darkening timing was after the hit Fixed a bug  where it momentarily slips through the opponent when in close contact
J6D[after 2nd hit] Gauge recovery rate 100>0
Throwing  Fixed a bug where the throw would behave incorrectly if a throw escape  was started up during the derivation after the throw (throw derivation  possible F changed to 8>12F).
236A Gauge recovery rate 100>200

D/236C/236C [strike portion] Gauge recovery rate 100>50
6C Fixed a bug where the gauge increase rate for BlockL was the same as for hits Gauge recovery rate 100>40
236B/214B Gauge recovery rate 100>11
Rush Derivative A/J2C Gauge recovery rate 100>25
Expanding the hitbox horizontally Gage recovery rate 100>40

Fixed a bug that slowed movement when jumping over an opponent while preparing for a dash dash.
214AB Gauge recovery rate 100>50
214AC Gauge recovery 100>40%.
J236D Fixed a bug in which the throw-out motion would occur if the throw and grab overlapped at the same time.

Overall,  there will be adjustments to Tina's characterization. We won't finish  all of them right away, but we will gradually make adjustments that are  more Tina-like.
Food is now dropped by some techniques; it is a dot from E's Laf1 and will be brushed up.
We made them drop because "running for food is more Tina-like".
Weight Opening weight 88>92kg
Bullet  hold Introduced in some techniques (eventually to be introduced in  various techniques) Weight decreases gradually after 12F or more hold  (set individually for each technique) Bullets are ejected when one of  these 3 conditions is met: release button, 240F elapsed, weight reaches  80kg
Dash Weight decrease timing 12>16F Decrease speed to 50
Gauge  increase rate Base value of recovery rate when attack hits 100>50%  Tina's tension increases more when she eats than when she hits, which is  consistent with the interpretation.
A/2A Grant hitstop on hit as a hit attribute instead of a bullet + grant cancellation Grant throw cancellation route
6A BlockRecovery12>14F
B Recovery24>20F Popcorn part gauge recovery rate 100>0
6B Popcorn part BlockRecovery6>9F Damage772>1094 Popcorn part Gauge Recovery100>0
C Recovery27>24F
C[bullet] Startup position lowered slightly Gauge recovery 100>40
6C[Bullets]  Moved Startup position and hitbox down slightly Removed Active in the  first half 1F and eliminated the hitbox at Close Made the bullets reach  the edge immediately after the hitbox starts up Made the bullets stay  for a while after reaching the edge leaving the hitbox behind Gauge  recovery rate 100>40%.
 5C has a slow startup and is strong at  stopping after launching bullets, but 6C can both wait and far, so it  was very strong against some characters.
D Startup12>10F Increased  movement speed of scissors so that they cannot hit the ground,  blockable in the air, and the character can attack by grinding and  throwing instead of being unblockable.
6D Startup24>12F  Recovery35>28F Increase movement speed of scissors so they don't hit  the ground Blockable in the air Gauge recovery 100>50% Bullets can be  held
2B Hitstop increased by 3F Tracking grace 16>22F  BlockRecovery14>20F Active4>2F Hitbox now instantly goes to the  edge Recovery difference on hit adjusted to keep error to 1F
3B Damage767>959 Gage Recovery100>200
2C/3C Hitstop20>10F Gauge recovery rate100>40
2D Startup19>12F BlockRecovery increased by 12F Food appears when hit Bullets can be held
3D Food appears on hit
JB  Startup12>7F Active11>4F Gauge Recovery100>40% Guaranteed  Minimum Damage10>7% Air Hit Sideways Blowout37>50 Hit Stop11>2F  Pursuit Grace16>25F
J6B Active16>6F Gauge Recovery100>40%  Guaranteed Minimum Damage10>7% Air Hit Side Blow 37>50 Hit Stop  11>2F Pursuit Grace 16>25F
J2B Overall recovery35>25F
J3B Overall recovery37>32F
JC Damage 1577>1202 Startup15>13F Gauge recovery 100>70% Guaranteed minimum damage 10>7
J6C Startup21>15F Gauge recovery rate100>70% Guaranteed minimum damage10>7
JD/J4D/J6D Gauge recovery rate 100>40
JD/J4D/J6D [high altitude ver] Remove unblockable attribute Damage 767>1151 Add 230 shaving damage
236A/236B Gauge recovery 100>20
236C Gauge recovery rate 100>25
214A command changed to 214C
214B Remove weight loss due to damage (to stop the increase) Change command to 214A
214C Remove weight loss due to damage (so that the weight stops rising) Change command to 214B
214B[FS] After an immediate 8kg increase, the remaining weight is gradually recovered.
214D  Changed to invincible technique Remove attack hitbox from birds in  flight Grant attack hitbox to birds around Tina No weight loss Overall  Recovery29>70F
236D Startup7+39>8+16F Minimum guaranteed 25-30>12% knockdown

JB Gauge recovery 100>20
J2D Gauge recovery 100>25%.

/ Scheduled update ・    Creating new character ・   Bug Fix


・ Language setting Choose from optional languages

・ Video and streaming Video and streaming are allowed. Secondary distribution of game data is prohibited.

・ Rollback Implementation I know ggpo exists, but I haven't decided if I want to implement it.


・  keyconfig  Press F9. When the PAD is operated, the setting items of the 1P side will open. Press F9 and perform key configuration with PAD from the top to the bottom. Make this exe active. Press F11 to complete the setting.



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