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Keeping this short because I'm in a bit of a hurry, haha: Later I'm leaving for NordicFuzzCon in Malmö, Sweden, and I still need to pack my things!

Restart Button

A small addition to the pause and result screens: You can now restart a game, instead of going through the main menu, again!

Custom Billboard Textures

Modding support, confirmed.

Okay, not really, but for some extra fun you will be able to replace the textures that get displayed on the large billboards, in the city! Any png or jpg file should work.

Marketing money well spent: Get your message out there!

That's also how I put the NordicFuzzCon banners into the game: It's a quick and fun way to personalize the game, a little!

Convention Time!

Now I'm getting ready to travel to Sweden. And if you're also at NordicFuzzCon, feel free to say hi! Just like with Eurofurence, I'll have the game with me to demo and play with people :D



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