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Hello everyone, sorry for not posting an announcement on the 1st, was swamped with work (again). I will send DMs to tiers 5 and up to ask about the March rewards as usual. 

I am also considering for the comic tier to be either limited to a few patrons only, turning it into a multi character comm (like $10 but more characters) or deleting it altogether. I don't think I can catch up fast enough with my current workload which leaves me only 2 hours to draw each day. I got piled up with many responsibilities and long-term projects while being hampered by endless online meetings (still thankful for my job). At this rate I can only draw 2 singles per day, and 2 6-panel comics per weekend (and the backlog queue now reached 30). By this rate I might need 15 weeks to finish the current backlog.

I might need to make a poll for this. Anyways, the backlogged comics up to February are still being drawn.


Lyhoko Leaci

It might be best to remove it for now, then possibly bringing it back with a limit to how many can join after you catch up.

Princess Lil

Ooo. If your backlog is that rough, yes, you should take it down just to save yourself from the stress!


That's understandable. It seems reasonable to change up what the reward is or limit it in some way.


makes sense to close it if your too far behind.

Marty McLatex lover

I got no problems with you changing things to make your life easier or more enjoyable!


You might also consider increasing the price of the comic tiers. It would reduce demand on your shorter supply of drawing time and it would be more rewarding for you.


I was just getting to post a similar thought to Atropos5. People value your stuff. You work hard on these things, and your skill has improved greatly over the years. You have given the world a great gift with all the art you've done. There's no reason to feel guilty balancing your support tiers with demand. And absolutely no one has a right to complain, because you make your entire catalog available for free.


I might suggest $25 for 3 panels and $45 for 6. That would still offer a scaling volume discount up to 25% per panel compared to $10 for 1. The lower tiers would still have queue priority so it seems more balanced without overly incentivizing the time consuming 6 panel comics which are undervalued at a 50% discount per panel.