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Ayuza got lost inside yet another ancient castle. As she stumbled into a grand chamber, its high ceiling adorned with fading murals, a sense of unease crept over her. An eerie light began to shimmer in the center of the room, revealing a golden suit of armor on a pedestal. Drawn to its glow, Ayuza hesitated but found herself stepping closer, her curiosity overpowering her fear.

Suddenly, ghostly figures materialized around her, their translucent forms drifting towards the armor. The spirits, ancient guardians of the castle, chanted in a language she couldn’t understand. The armor began to glow brighter, and before Ayuza could react, the pieces floated from the pedestal and encased her body.

She tried to scream, but the armor was relentless, fastening itself around her with an otherworldly precision. As the last piece, a gleaming helmet, settled on her head, the spirits ceased their chant. Ayuza felt a strange energy coursing through her veins, a blend of power and destiny she couldn’t comprehend.

The spirits bowed before her, their voices now clear. “Welcome, Knight Princess Ayuza. You are chosen to protect our realm.”

Based on an old Sticky-Site pic called Maid of Honor




Always enjoy living armor/costumes. and since you brought up sticky site is there any good archive of the artwork? I've tried looking but only found a few here and there on deviantart.