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last update really stressed us out in terms of workload and health, and we've been making some serious changes to our workflow to make it more sustainable.

in that spirit, and thanks to the advice of an enthusiastic supporter, Mr.Purr, I've decided to try replicating the art style in AI.

this decision was made to streamline work, but also to maintain health. I was struggling to keep up with doing everything manually and started to worry about my ability to keep doing this in the future.

the AI eliminates those worries, and expands the possibilities of what we can do with scenes in terms of new poses and scenarios, we are no longer limited by the existing art in the game.

our imagination is the limit.

I've spent the last few weeks trying to master AI generation to make the art style as close to the original as possible and keep it consistent and I've reached a point where I am confident to show you my results. As I practice I will get better and better.

this will also fix a problem that I've been struggling with from the beginning;

finding the time and energy to mod other games.

 with AI generation I will be able to make art for more than one game in the same schedule. I've set my sights on the latest Amazon game, featuring Natsuki.

I understand that some people are not fans of AI, but I've done a great deal of research and a great deal of training and I'm confident in my ability to deliver our product in a way that satisfies and even exceeds their expectations.

Thank you for your continued support.

Below are some screenshots of Geno's progress with the latest maps regarding the syndicate.

    This one shows the matriarch daily activities as she relaxes in the swimming pool



Gabriel Bagalciaga

I can't wait for what will come with this in the next update, especially when "the mountain squad" comes in this one. I can't wait for the scenes, you guys have a great job


Honestly, i prefer the AI artwork better. Just my kind of style i guess