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A little demonstration of artistic ability between us.

MY cover of Naruto against TheWriteFiction's cover art.

I like my partner's grittier, more lively style. However, I went for a more centralized and character specific cover with my version.

Because my partner's account was cancelled, he put a couple of his stories up for "adoption".

I've taken on the role of his previous Naruto idea, and he's given me permission to re-write it, fix it, and continue it in his stead with an updated art style more tailored for Naruto.

Hope you guys are looking forward to the continuation on TheWriteFiction's original work. Look out for the changes in this one.




🤩🤩🤩 Ooooo I like this new cover 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


😅 I’m gonna ask a possibly obvious question, but is the girl on the right new? or another character from the Naruto series? (like from a filler episode…🙃 cause I’m having a difficult time placing where in the story/anime I may not have seen her)

Chris Cannon

Hey, longtime! How’ve you been? *Spoiler-ish* I forgot her name, but what I do remember she’s an original character of Writes and was one of the small few Uchiha survivors. But all that being said, her character and background might end up being entirely different in this version.