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Just a show of comparison, this is my drawing compared to TheWriteFiction's in a quick collaboration between me and him.

While he has a much softer style with the pencil, I use a more solid style using 2B, and my lines are a lot denser.

His focus is trying to get shadows cast, but because Oda uses much thicker lineart for One Piece characters, I had to adopt his style to bring out my character work. However, it takes me a ridiculously long time to draw them.

TheWriteFiction is a much faster drawer than I am.

Hope you guys enjoy this, and hope you are looking forward to our One Piece X Dragonball Z Golden Age crossover.




Hey that’s fine… you can’t rush art as they say so just like I tell Write take all the time you need 😊 ok?

Giorno Giovanna34

Given Gohan's track record in these stories, he's going to end up in a threesome with them both.