dreams bigger than my lashes (Patreon)
Now that I have hardly any followers on instagram, it's really not worth posting on there. Ig only gets 2/3, you all get 9+. I'm going to keep that same energy moving forward.
Now that I lost a stream of revenue, all my Patreons have helped me be able to support myself during a very difficult time. I'm sooooo grateful to have supporters on here. Thanks to you all I was able to get myself to safety & establish some stability for myself. Though I don't have furniture, it is a blessing to have this futon, bc when I first moved in I was in a sleeping bag on the floor. Due to eeeeeeeveryyyyythiiiing I had to pay for to move, after I just moved from CA to TX 6 months ago. I am beyond blessed to be able to still have the spirit to create. I promise to tap into that energy for the remainder of the year.
If anything, this has shown me to never let anyone in my sacred space, or use my laptop when they don't have theirs. It's also showed me to have about 4 YouTube channels as backup. 2 will be personal, 1 will be faceless motivational channel (you wont even know its me ;) and the other will be a travel channel. I have no idea how Ima make it happen but I am.
This also showed me I need to grow myself and not just online, because that can be taken away in a heartbeat. I also plan on furthering my education, because that cannot be taken from me. I was also reminded me how much writing was a passion of mine, and it allows me to express myself in a way that my brain cannot do as fast with words. I hope to publish a book in the near future. As well as start a weekly blog. Actually, I already started it, but it is tied to my faceless Youtube channel, therefore you will have to find it by reading more online, because I want to remain anonymous.
I have way more to offer than I have been doing, just morbidly depressed for a long time. Still am, but I have no time to wallow in it, just have to move forward. Even if you're just here for my cute/sexy avatar, I thank you for supporting me none the less. I hope you have a fantastic week!
With so much love,