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Ever had that Ex that would make you believe that you needed them? That you wouldn't be able to survive without them? That your everyday life would be miserable without them? 

And yet, while you were with them, you were always miserable, always being put down, and just made to feel so alone. They would treat your family like they were in the way. Talk trash on those you love. Isolate you from those who can see right through them? Just go out of their way to make sure that your every waking moment was spent with them.

Just an all around toxic person that you were happy to cut out of your life. And now that you have, they are desperate to try and weasel their way back into your life. Because, without you, they're worthless. Their life is meaningless. Without someone to manipulate...they are reminded just how pathetic they really are.

SFX From:
Zapsplat and Pixabay

Character Art By:
Crescent Chaos



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