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The scene starts in the middle of the forest with the listener training Lilith.

The sounds of clashing swords and heavy breathing can be heard.

(she says, tired and exhausted.)

Hold on, can I get like a 10-minute break please? … “We've been training since the ass crack of dawn. … I deserve a little break, don't I?


(She stammers out, obviously annoyed and frustrated.)Yes, I know the lich goons aren't going to be taking a break…” … “The Cult that is controlling them…the same Cult that burned that entire town to the ground…” … “They’ll come at us as if their un-lives depend on it.”

“But it’s only a  good 60% of their forces that are undead.” … “And unless you plan to keep attacking me like you are, I'm not dead yet.” … “Come on, Lancer, please.


She says, annoyed Oh, I'm sorry I can't be as rosy cheeked as usual. I just spent almost three hours getting hit in the face ( before yelling the last part.) by a wooden stick.


She sputters out, confused. Not as rosy cheeked as last night?” ( then falling into the grass.)Oh, you meant when I was absolutely hammered, right?” … “Well, I'm sorry that I like to have a good time every once in a while.” … “We just killed a chimera. We deserve to celebrate a little.” … “Plus, thanks to the sword, I don't get hung over. (Talking casually before getting excited when mentioning the abilities.)


(She proclaims proudly.)Yep, just one of the many amazing tricks this thing can do.


What else can it do?” …
(She says with excitement as if recounting a great tale.) “Well, it's basically indestructible. It's light as a feather, sharper than anything I've ever used, and I feel a lot stronger when I'm wielding it faster too.” … “I can see in the dark and it gives me resistance to poisons.


I know, right? And I haven't even awakened-Wait…” … “what?
” … “The hell do you mean, “awaken it?


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