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You were prophesized to be the legendary hero that would save the Kingdom from the ancient lich and its evil. 

Taken from an orphanage as a child, you started your training at a very young age, and spent your entire life being told that you'll be a great hero and that all their hard work would pay off.

And on the day that you would get the sword of heroes - a magical sword that will be granted to the greatest hero of their time - the sword rejected you. Instead, the sword chose a random guard from the crowd to be the next hero. 

Stunned and in disbelief, the king of the land declared that the sword tells no falsehoods, and the guard was quickly promoted to being the next hero. 

You quickly became ostracized as everyone you once thought as a friend quickly abandoned you. Even the woman you loved and thought you'd marry didn't hesitate to leave you. 

Kicked out of your home, which the Kingdom had purchased, The false hero left to go travel the world and seek a purpose for yourself. 

However, the new hero decided to go and look for the one person she knows can teach her to be the best hero she can possibly be. 

The only issue is. You hate her fucking guts.

Script By:
Dr. Green

Art By:

SFX From:

Music From:
Fesliyan Studios




Did you just insert a Pokemon reference in there in your explanation of the story


No but I see why you think that. This is Green’s summary of the story with minor edits. He’s great at this