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“Damn…taking Vixy to a club…” … “What is she even going to wear? Does she even have clubbing clothes?” … “Oh shit…what would she look like in nothing but…but…oooh, having her in nothing would be hot-NO!”

Self slap. “No thinking like that! You aren’t here to mark territory! You’re here for her!” … “You’re here to help her get out of her shell and find someone who will actually take care of her.” … “Not some lunatic who wants, very much, to know what she sounds like…when I…bite down…and lick…and…NO!”

(self slap) “Bad wolf! Very bad wolf!” (Walking) “She asked for your help. You’re going to give it to her!” … “Just get your ass to the door, get her ass out here, and then shake your asses at the club.” … … … “Oh god I wonder if she can even shake that cute ass.”

(knocking, door open)




Okay The Listener is a fox spirit are they one tail a nine tail or 10 tail spirit


And why is it I never see a picture of The Listener always get a picture of you and are you really going to use the version of celine's wolf form from your previous audio