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It’s been what, a few days since “The Brains' ' of your nemesis’s team has accepted your offer and changed sides. After giving them a tour of your lair, had them perform a few minuscule tasks and kept a close eye on them. Everything seems to be well and good. That is until you get a call from Orok. “The Lords of disruption over rules and regulations' ' (TLDRR for short) have called for a meeting regarding the recent events. You can only hope that things go well for the both of you

So, your supervillain has officially taken you under her wing. Adopted you into the lifestyle, you could say. It just so happens the powers that be she works for have called for a meeting, and asked that she introduces you. "Introduce" meaning they wanted to size you up and see if you're anything special. If not, well, these are supervillains after all. Getting rid of deadweight would be as simple as blinking for them.


Supervillain_part_2_SD 360p_MEDIUM_FR30_(1).mp4


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