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Welcome welcome welcome to all the new people here! I AM SO HAPPY to have you!!! 

I am feeling so bummed out because yesterday my audio was messed up so I had to re-upload my video. I just hate making mistakes like that. I got these new headphones though so it shouldn't happen again, but now I am freaking out about all the sounds in my videos. Like the first part of this video you can kind of hear the fan on my AC and it stops around 6 mins or so in.... is this a really big deal? I try to make it as quiet as possible, but it is so hard (especially in the summer...it's 100 degrees here). I was thinking about maybe just filming in front of a green screen and making some make shift panels to capture sound so my audio is cleaner...thoughts? Suggestions? 


brushing your face

19 min 35 sec video


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