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We watch Peaky Blinders on Netflix.     

This is a watch along so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There is a visual cues off the top and a timer to help you sync up.



C. J. Ramirez

I’m with Michael I’d be pissed too if my mom did that. It’s a respect thing


I think Michael lost respect in poly, wich he always saw as a badass, who don't let people fuck her up. it's a totally bad take on him, but that's what his gaze and talk made me think. "you got dirty with this fucker instead of forcing things, as a gang" thought maybe. Pretty fucked up as a reaction tho.


Damn! This was a good episode. So much happened. I could've slapped Michael if I could have reached thru the screen. Campbell makes me furious too. Poor Pol.


I love this episode so much. Steven right about Tommy’s defense mechanism. Grace I always feel sorry for, because in the 1920s a single woman isn’t gonna last — you marry, that’s the way of it. So, she had to pick a second best, because the love of her life said no. But having to live in a second place life is hard… :( when the gravitational pull is right there💔 also asshole can burn


Ps also have to feel bad for May sorta because she’s a lonely widow who is wanting to be with a man that says I don’t want to continue to do this because I have someone. She uses her lonely widowhood to keep him close. Sad. He is right, there are men who could love her. He did the right thing and was the gentleman. Probably part of his problem he always has a heart.


Cillian Murphy and Steven Knight both said of Tommy... "He is a good man, doing bad things, to a good end." which is true, Tommy is a good man he has so many good qualities but the war changed him and now he knows he has to fight to get anything he needs, wants and desires for himself and for his family. Little chinks of the old Tommy come through more and more throughout the series which is so good and is why we fight for a badass in a bad world to do good!!!!

Sydney Aucoin

I felt so reassured on my feelings for May after this! I knew I loved her, but I wasn’t sure if I was missing something 😂

Anna Berkley

I loved how when Tommy tried to essentially "break up" with May, she turned that whole situation back on him. Go May!!!