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We watched this episode of SoA on Amazon.  

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were is season 7 ep.7


Its there. Jut click th SOA tag and scroll down below this post.

C. J. Ramirez

Why did jury have to reach for the gun? Why couldn’t he fight back not just automatically grab the gun. Jax did shoot him in self defense

Armani Taylor

Great episode!!! It can’t be Nero cause remember whoever the rat is, they gave up the location of the guns to Lin and the Chinese. And Lin already knew about his guns at the warehouse when he confronted Nero at Barosky’s shop. Also do you guys think that Jax could receive a Mayham Vote for killing Jury?

Armani Taylor

Even so he still lied and said Jury admitted to being a rat. Self defense or not there’s a protocol with the sons and Jax lying doesn’t help him much


Jury was saying that Jon Teller was ready to “check out”. He knew the bike was set up and that Clay n Gemma did it, but he was ready to go and wanted to die.

C. J. Ramirez

That is true he didn’t have to lie but im guessing in his heart he was sure he was the one cause who else would it have been.


This show purposely keeps you guessing! Kurt Sutter is a master of that! So much shit happens in these last few episodes! Not gonna say anything except, it will all make sense in the end. But you're still gonna be guessing right until the very end lol Enjoy!

Matty B.

The mom was played by Dale Dickey, the crackhead from Breaking Bad. And the guy was Don Swayze, the brother of Patrick.


They were both also in Trueblood. Dale was the mother of Marcus/grandmother of Emma and Don was a werewolf who worked for Cooter aka Russel Edgington's minion.


Man talk about a murder of crows on Gemma's bed. =D


Was episode 7 skipped? I can only see episode 6 posted Nov 30th and then episode 8 posted today. 🤔


Hey thanks man I appreciate it! Weird that it wasn't showing up on the Playlist. I've never had that problem before.


I love watching you try to figure out where the show is going. We have a difference on the character of Juice but I get your take on him. Juice has made wrong decisions throughout the seasons. I just love Theo Rossi and how he plays the character so I'm very biased. You are so close to the finale and I look forward to every reaction.

Kat Fleur

Jax was defending himself against Jury cuz if you look closely he did reach for the gun. I’m not one to defend Jax nowadays, but he’s always ready to throw hands 1st before a gun fight. He was expecting Jury to fight back.

Rita Hunter

Yeah, that's the way I took what Jury said, too; that John knew the bike was set up to make him crash, but did it himself because he was ready to go and he wasn't going to give Clay and Gemma the satisfaction of being the ones to kill him.

Rita Hunter

Theo's awesome! I hope they get to watch some of his podcast eps with Kim Coates once they finish Season 7. It's truly amazing to see the cast together and to witness the kind of long term connections they've all made from working on SoA.

Rita Hunter

Right. Jury definitely drew his piece on Jax first. Jax was just quicker on the trigger. Of course, he's probably been in a lot more recent gunfights than Jury and his crew have. Practice makes perfect.

Josip Buretic

Theo is awesome, him and Kim together are just great, Juice did make to many bad decisions and for me it is just hard to feel sorry for him


Lol. Yall are kinda overthinking the whole John thing. Jurry's not disputing that Clay tried to kill JT, even John himself knew they would likely mess with his bike. Jurry is simply suggesting that JT could've stopped the whole plot and CHOSE not to because deep down he wanted to die anyway. He rode that bike on purpose KNOWING it was sabotaged. It makes perfect sense because if ur a mechanic and a bike enthusiast then u would know IMMEDIATELY if something was wrong with ur bike. Also, if u already know that ur best friend and wife want to kill u AND u suspect the method to be bike related then why would u not take extra care and get it checked before u ride unless u want to die. Clay and Gemma still killed him, he just let it play out.

Rita Hunter

Although I hate to see your new reactions to SoA soon coming to an end, it's been one helluva ride, you two! But remember, even after you finish, there's plenty of material still out there about SoA that gives even more insight into this show and these lovely (and most of the time deadly) characters. After you're done with the series you should definitely check out SOAReaperReviews on YouTube. That's Theo Rossi (Juice) and Kim Coates' (Tig) podcast channel and the guys are rewatching, and in some cases, watching for the first time really, the show and going through the episodes (along with sharing some interesting facts). I think you'd both enjoy it. :)

Josip Buretic

Next week will be so awesome!! Cannot wait


He was only defending himself after punching him though. Imo Jury was the one defending himself. Regardless of that though, Jax is very much in the wrong obviously. Even though we still like him (for some reason). He killed two innocent people, one of which happened to be Jury's son. Jury had every right to be upset at Jax. Jax punching Jury for insulting him is kinda crazy considering Jax had just killed his kid.


We can agree Jax’s lied after, but Jerry did go for his gun and couldn’t take a punch, Jax would’ve died, but all Gemma fault lol


I felt bad for Juice right up until he was gonna sell club secrets to the Mayans.


True but Jax stop caring after opie died, Tara took him to ground zero after my like 20th time watching the show, you can see what Jax trying to do ultimately, no fucks giving. He’s smarter than the rest

Shanice British

I lived for the Jury prediction as the rat though 😂😂 this episode really just shows that Jax really has lost all his marbles. This season I don’t think Jax was acting invincible, I think he just don’t care if he lives or dies just like his Dad when he went on that bike knowing damn well it was tampered with. Rip Jury and Poor Bobby 😩 Also you guys aren’t missing much. Clay did something to his bike and John knew but ignored it because he wasn’t happy and wanted to go out anyway. So technically what we’ve been saying since season 1 that they killed him is still true it’s just that he didn’t prevent it from happening even though he knew their plan

Don Mayhem

Skank Skank Skank ass Skank Skank. I'M NO SKANK lol. That's where you saw her in Breaking Bad where her and and Spooge robbed Skinny Pete. I first saw her in Iron Man 3, but at the time, I only saw Iron Man 3 one time and didn't remember much of it. One year later, I saw this episode and later saw her again in Breaking Bad. When I watched Iron Man 3 for a second time, I was shocked to see her not remembering her in the movie. The guy who was playing the step dad, I have seen him before too. He was in a truck commercial. I don't remember which one lol. The theory of John Teller "letting the road take him" was mention in season 2. I think it was the episode where Jax wanted to go Nomad. I think I said something like "I just noticed something, but I'll save it for now because it's a spoiler for later." This was the episode I was talking about.

Tyrone Tyrone

The Road is the darkest movie I ever saw and SoA season 7 is the darkest TV series. They're both great but 😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖

Adam Custer

The thing is Jury DID go for his gun and started to point it at Jax.

Rita Hunter

True, but drawing a gun to defend yourself from a punch isn’t right either. A fist for a fist. That’s the fight code. Jury drew on Jax first, and that’s what got him killed. And again, not defending what Jax is doing, but what should his reaction have been in that moment? Let Jury shoot him? Also can’t forget that all of this is going down because of Gemma. If Tara had lived and taken the kids like she and Jax had planned, everyone who’s died by Jax’s hand this season would still be alive. Gemma’s the show’s ultimate villain.


Those were great podcasts getting some of the backstory to episodes and the relationships they developed.


There is "screwing up" and then there's whatever the hell just went down between Jax and Jury. That never should've been allowed to happen the way it did, but because Jax is convinced Jury ratted him out to Lin... that's exactly how Jax was trying to manipulate the conversation to go. "You're the one who betrayed the patch" and I'm just sitting here like... "bruh, you have no proof... even if it's likely that's not something you can take back if you're wrong later." Yes, Jury did go for his gun, because he knew Jax was determined to kill him. Jury was already on the ground, he could've incapacitated him by shooting him anywhere and he shot him in the face. Yeah, no wonder Chibs said there's no way that didn't look like murder.


Most important, From episode one, I ALWAYS believed John Teller committed suicide. “He let the road take him.” Then, Gemma said something was wrong in his head. When Jury said John would notice a sabotage, I felt confirmation that JT knew it and let the road take him anyway. Gemma knew nothing about his death in the sense of anything tangible, only that Clay wanted to do it and she just didn’t stop him. So for me watching this, Jury told the truth in both ways. Secondly I think Charlie Hunnam is doing incredible job looking totally numb all the time.


I believe it was episode one of the entire show when that was stated. That John let the road take him. So I know a lot of people felt that John always killed himself. I always felt that. Yes there are all these conversations around him being murdered, but the bigger conversation was always about his mental state of mind and that he was just depressed and defeated. Genma was worried that Jax get messed up in the head like his dad. Sad.


Ps Jurry stating John committing suicide was basically in sacrifice to his sons, was so moving. Felt that hard. I feel like it was mostly depression. Gave up. Defeated. Sad. Tortured soul.