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We watched this episode of SoA on Amazon.  

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There is a visual cue off the top, a countdown to start and a timer to help you sync up.



Annie Bonz

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yesssssss!!! ya'll The Real VP MVP VHS HD ...


The lie is slowly unraveling. Will Juice tell Jax? Will Unser or Nero figure it out first? Stay tuned! lol Some of your predictions are right and some are wrong.

Joshua Johnson

To quote Anakin Skywalker “This is where the fun begins” lol 😂

Theresa M Kelly

I have loved from the beginning your predictions having watched multiple times and will continue to love watching the last 7 episodes!! Thanks for taking this ride for all of us!!

Don Mayhem

Mint flavor bj? I don't remember that. Nor do I want to know what that is lol. I've been waiting to see this episode reaction. I've gained more respect for Alvarez when he said "even if we couldn't make a deal, I would've never made one with a rat." Honor among outlaws. Brains before bullets. It still feels weird seeing the Sons and Mayans at peace after how many years at war with each other. Nikki's impatient reaction was hilarious. A lot of us were waiting for Jax to find out somehow some way. Lea Michele that mean bitch from Glee. I guess Kurt Shutter had no problem with her when filming.

Shanice British

This season is a damn mess and it’s just getting started 😩 I love hearing the predictions 😂

Kat Fleur

I may despise Gemma's guts lol, but dammit Katey Sagal is such a great actress. The way she acted scared shitless when speaking to Nero thinking Juice ratted her out was awesome.


The flavored bj is a headscratcher. At most establishments that offer blowjobs, the client's not the one tasting stuff lmao.

Michelle Finerty

Like I've said before, this season is one that I don't rewatch often. I agree with Shanice that it's a damn mess and IMO has a lot of filler episodes. I just wanted Jax to know what Gemma did so badly that I didn't care about the other stories! lol The last time I rewatched this season was last year because of Reaper Reviews, Theo Rossi (Juice) and Kim Coates' (Tig) podcast, which btw they have been posting the full videos on YouTube that were only available on their Patreon page. If you guys haven't seen it, go check it out after watching this show. Steven, you mentioned how much you like Eli at the end. I did too. One thing that they didn't show because it's a deleted scene on the the DVD for S6 is Tara asking Eli to be one of her character witnesses for when she goes to trial as an accessory to Pamela Toric's murder. I wish they showed that deleted scene because he was willing to help Tara out with that. Anyway, like what others have said, I love hearing you guys' predictions too.

Megan McElveen

I feel like Juice has always seen Gemma as his mother and Clay as his father. So, even though Jackson is his “brother,” he can’t betray his “mom.”

Tyrone Tyrone

Tara asking Eli to be one of her character witnesses for when she goes to trial as an accessory to Pamela Toric's murder.😲🤯

Tyrone Tyrone

The fact that Juice can admit to himself and out loud that he's a coward shows that he has accepted his fate, so there's no need to say anything.


... how many times have you watched The Cosby Show? lol