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We watched this episode of SoA on Amazon.  

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There is a visual cue off the top, a countdown to start and a timer to help you sync up.



Shanice British

What if Gemma didn’t blow up like that? 🤣🤣 We all knew she was going to because that’s Gemma for you. She’s trash and her behavior is and will always be trash. I hate that Tara went to such an extreme but I get it. I don’t have kids but I know if I was with someone as selfish as Jax I’d go crazy trying to keep my kids away. This is the same man who gave Gemma a second chance after she almost killed those kids after driving while high. His mama got him by the balls and their family will never be #1 in his list of priorities sadly. Like I said stated a while ago he should’ve left that baby in Belfast 😂 I remember watching this episode years ago and Tara was still my favorite character. She’ll always be my girl. It’s just that desperate people do desperate things. She held on to a fantasy about her high school sweetheart not knowing that he was a selfish monster ( yeah I said it. I still love Jax but he is what he is) 😩 Anywhoo great reaction and can’t wait for the next one. I also love me some Black & white cookies

Matty B.

Fun Fact: Israel Broussard (Joey) played the lead in Happy Death Day and Happy Death Day 2 U


I don’t agree with what Tara did. I’ve watched a few people react to this show, and I feel like a lot of people don’t understand where Tara’s mind is. She is so desperate to keep her boys safe, that she’s going to these depths to keep Gemma away from the kids. And with her facing serious time, and Jax not keeping his promises of getting them out (which he’s been saying for like 3 seasons now?). And everything Tara has been through: her hand and knowing Clay tried to have her killed, everything the boys have gone through, and then being made an accessory to murder. She’s completely lost control of her life.


The things Alice was saying to Venus were exactly the things Jax is afraid of happening to him and his boys. I always loved that scene.


I think it’s safe to say that Tara has understandably lost her mind. The height she’s willing to go is extreme but you can get why. I will never agree with her faking a pregnancy and lying. Just wrong but again a mother will do what it takes to protect her boys.


Go back and re-watch the speech by Alice and you will see clearly why Jax shot her. If she treated a dog like she treated Venus, maybe then Tig would have been the one who shot her :p


Nice of them to have a little Deadwood reunion with Calamity Jane and Charlie Utter.


Clay brought 3 scumbags, Bobby brought 3 brothers! The way they fuck with him! XD RAAATTT BOOOY!!! The Last of The Mohicans has graduated!! Alice is easily the one person I HATE the most in this show, Anything involving kids is an instant shortcut to my hate-list. I know we have had our Stahls, Neo-Yahtzis, Salazars, O'phelans, Clays, Frankies, Torrics, and Galens, but Alice... She has a special spot in Hell for me. Mark said it first, but Jax was hearing what he was scared most of happening to his sons from Alice. His(Jax') monstrous nature being passed to them, which is what he is scared most of. That is why he shot her. Tara is playing a dangerous game and I hate this emotional manipulation on her end.

Stacey Johnson

The music in this show is like another character. Cant think of another show with a better soundrack.

Angie Lewis

I doubt Wendy wants Jax, way back when Tara's hand got banged and after she visited her in the hospital, Gemma met her at Jax's house, part of the dialogue was how Wendy had recently discovered that she likes girls. I'm sure the paperwork Jax signed was what they spoke about earlier in the episode about keeping the boys from Gemma, and the lawyer told her that paper has no weight without the signatures of both parents. I'm loving rewatching this yet again with you guys.

Ash D

This has been such a. Fun journey with you guys from being prospects to now being presidents!! Let’s GoOoo!! I am so excited to finish up this series with you guys and to see your reactions all the way to the end!!! Love you and miss you guys! Been trying to make it to movie night but I suck at staying up late lol 😝 sending love to you and the girls ❤️

Andrizzle i

I remember when I saw you guys react to season 1 episode 1 on your YouTube I’m so glad I got this Patreon I love watching your reactions SOA is one of my favorite shows and not only that but you guys have reactions to all my favorite shows best 5$ ever spent

Andrizzle i

This is also my favorite episode in SOA Alice’s death was the most satisfying of the whole show but that’s not the only reason Idk if you guys noticed the look on Jax’s face when Alice was saying all those awful things to Venus about how her son will hate her when he find out who she is but you can tell that really resonated with Jax and made him angry because he hates the thought of his sons growing up hating their dad for the monstrous things he’s done

Armani Taylor

Walton Goggins in this show is amazing he’s such an amazing actor

Michelle Finerty

I'm rewatching the series so that I can watch you guys' reactions and it did not disappoint once again. This episode was hard to watch between what Tara was planning and the story with Venus and her mother. This is the one thing that I did not agree what Tara did but she had to do something so that Gemma doesn't get those boys in case Tara goes to jail. This is also the act that created a divide in the fandom while the show was still airing and that divide is still evident to this day. Also, Tara thought Gemma was going to punch her in the stomach because she got that idea at the end of season 5 when Gemma did actually punch her. Alice's speech to Venus about Joey hating her if he finds out about his mom/dad really made Jax think about himself and his sons, the reason why he shot Alice. He couldn't listen to it any longer because he probably realized there's some truth in it about himself. Either way, Alice and her goons were just awful.

LisaMarie D

Walton Goggins is one of the best things to happen to this show!! Also, I was recently reminded that Tara's boss is Katie's Sagal's sister!!

Josip Buretic

Yes I remember it was you are either "Team Tara" or "Team Gemma" and even if I didn't full agree with Tara decisions in this episode I totally get it why has she done it. And we see that everything Tara does is for the safety of the boys and everything Gemma does is what is the best for Gemma.

Michelle Finerty

@Josip I agree 100% that Tara needed to do something in order to get her boys to safety from Gemma even though we don't agree with her decisions. It's unfortunate that part of the fandom don't get that and some to the point hating the actress playing Tara because Maggie Siff is such a great actress. She even said in an interview that part of the reason why she's not on social media or do appearances at comic cons is because the Team Tara and Team Gemma debacle. It's too bad though because I would love to meet her in person sometime. I've been following her career since Mad Men up to this day on Billions which is on their last season.

Josip Buretic

Yes I don't get it how people cannot see why Tara has done all oh those things, it is not about her anymore now it is all about her boys. I heard Maggie on Theo&Kim podcast and she was great!! It is sometimes very sad to see how some people go so far and they don't like some actors just because they didn't like them in some movie or show.


If Tara brought the exit strategy to Jax and Gemma and then if they said No, she wouldn't be able to stage it because they would be suspicious, doing it this way Tara gets the leverage of them not knowing, it's not right, but it's not wrong either.


He is exceptional and an absolute revelation in this role. He's played some memorable and oft iconic roles in his career. One of my absolute favorite performances is in Justified.