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We watch Dixon on AMC+  

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There is a countdown, visual cue off the top and a timer to help you sync up.



Juliet Cox

Loved your faces on the Carol reveal and reaction on the whole on this episode

Nana Pam

I posted this over on YouTube but was hoping you’ll see it here. Why has no one pointed out that Daryl didn’t actually kill Cordon’s brother? This is a quote from Walking Dead Wiki “Michel (Codron) grabs Maribelle and begins dragging her away. Drawing his knife, Daryl overpowers Henri and stabs him in the throat, holding the dying man as a human shield. Michel shoots at Daryl, slightly grazing his neck and causing him to drop Henri. As Michel prepares to shoot Daryl, Maribelle hits him from behind with Henri's spear, subduing him. Before Daryl can shoot the man, Maribelle tells him to save the powder and impales Michel in the chest with the spear, killing him in revenge for what he had tried to do to her.” Maribelle lied to Cordon and I guess Daryl didn’t know Henri’s name and assumed he killed the brother? Seems like an opening for Daryl and Codron to team up assuming they didn’t kill him. I mean it would have been just as easy for the 2 guards to have switched parts because Daryl did kill one of them. I just hope it was for a reason.