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We watch Dixon on AMC+  

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There is a countdown, visual cue off the top and a timer to help you sync up.




Dr. Jenner from season 1 of The Walking Dead said the last people to stay in the labs trying to find a cure were the french. Maybe they were the ones holding on for the longest, because they caused it.


So Carol is has to be coming right?! Dropping the Maine and he’d be home in “one week.” ! No way in hell she doesn’t go up looking for him! Hope we see her finale! LOVE this Walker thing so much so cool and most realistic thing that’s happened. I imagine virus could have been man-made to begin with. We are always in labs creating shit. Covid is from a lab. Humanity is always playing God. Super viruses and biological weapons. The old-world elitism speech was great crossing over. And hilarious as they are in leather seats, in beat up cars and jewels. As the poor walk by. Which is also realistic.. The rising up of mankind. I’d be begging for jewels and dresses after years of death and living in same clothes never showering. You fight to get the human things back. Rebirth. Fun show