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We watched this episode of SoA on Amazon.  

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There is a visual cue off the top, a countdown to start and a timer to help you sync up.



C. J. Ramirez

That mirror scene with Jax is top 5 of all time in the show it was so good

Abner Aranivar

This season definitely hits DIFFERENT. Everybody is pushed way beyond their breaking point. Jax's metamorphosis is almost complete! Oh man I cant wait for this season finale!

Joshua Johnson

Jax is definitely doing his best Michael Corleone every time his kisses juice and now Tig on the cheek lol


Man the wait for a new episode for this season is KILLING me. I forgot how extreme it is. Great reaction as always.


It seems to me from the last 3 episodes, treasure any happy moments because it feels like they will be few and far between. That has been the way it has been since the beginning but everything is on a fast track now.

V. Hammer

King Horik to Lee Toric. It's like poetry, it rhymes.


When Jax was talking to August he told him that he needed Clay for one last meeting with the IRA.


This show makes you feel bad for the bad guys lol It shows you that sometimes good people are forced to do bad things in order to survive.


Just started BUT had to 1st say: if I hear good vs bad ppl convo one more time…👊🏼.lmao! Many Humans have Good hearts, but do bad behavior. Juice’s actor Theo, asked yesterday hero vs villain about character. Someone had greatest line: Jax is whatever the moment needed of him👍🏼. Take Nero: he has good 🤍 ..loyal and loves deeply. Hell he’s at church trying. The hilarious thing, right as y’all said it: THEN psycho ex fed,shot his “friend”. 🤣 Nero not that guy—nor Jax, Bobby, Chibs etc. so… my philosophy for what it’s worth… is a lot of good intentioned hearts in the show. . .who also do some grueling actions. Some choices with less morality or understanding that another. BUT Jax cheating is a no mas. And that’s unfair and cruel. 😠😠😠


Done. OMGgg. Never seen this worked up! Yall think Kurt Sutter sat in his office after writing main narrative outline for s6 and then spent hours doodling the most crazy shit to insert in the “brutally kills” bullet points? 😳😳also wasnt that THE SAME scene with Wendy that Tara had in s1?!

Michelle Finerty

Like I said before, seasons 6 and 7 are heavy seasons, very dark, and at times hard to watch. Nikki, you said your heart was racing watching this episode, well mine was too rewatching it because Jax with Colette makes me want to throw something at the TV, especially the look on Jax’s face when he walked in on her and Barosky! Then when she calls him and he’s already in the house when her call came through, the look he had looking at his phone like he was thinking she should’ve called him before he walked through the front door. Ugh! I dislike this season so much because both Jax and Tara are spiraling.

Michelle Finerty

I also have to point out, even though Jax is being an a$$, him being protective on Tara when he was taking to Toric at that two way mirror and him holding baby Thomas is just 🔥🔥🔥!!! I said that out loud while my husband and I rewatched the episode and my husband gave me a look.🤣🤣

Josip Buretic

This season is beeing so far crazy but to be honest that was just warm-up!! Buckel up guys season 6 it's going to be crazier and crazier each episode!

Tyrone Tyrone

Lies on top of lies on top of lies that they make Clay look like less of a monster.