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We watched this episode of SoA on Amazon.  

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There is a visual cue off the top, a countdown to start and a timer to help you sync up.




I’m excited for this season. The best of the best❤️

Shanice British

Oh Lord not this season 😩 I’m already tired ☠️

Josh Fairbanks

It's not a mistake, it's the life of the M.C. They have a club law that says if a member is in jail their partner is free game. (Bobby/LuAnne situation) In this case it's just reversed Tara is in jail so Jax is free game.

Jay R Spencer II

if its one thing my dawg Jax gonna do, is get him some when hes upset lmfao

scorpius drall

Gemma is gona Gemma and Jax is gona hump the moste f up thing for me is the r@pe of Otto those are guards not inmates

Joshua Johnson

I remember how controversial this episode was when it aired because it was around the time of a lot of school shootings but I feel they handled it seriously especially where the story goes. This season is a ride for sure


Warned you it was a rough ride from end of season 3. Rougher each season until the end. Everything Kurt Sutter picked up from The Shield is on full display season 4 until the series finale. The “kid”…


"He's out and then he's in!" LMAO


Y’all really can’t blame lee for hating all of them, his innocent civilian sister with kids was murdered by gangsters


This is probably one of the most depressing episodes. But nothing bad happens to any more kids throughout the series I'm pretty sure. There are some sad moments but nothing to do with kids.

Shanice British

I miss Pope too. He was my favorite villain and he had every reason to hate Tig & the club so I remember being upset that he died in the finale. Technically Jax isn’t cheating. It’s only seen as cheating when the women they’re with are civilians ie Tara & lyla. Gemma knows the rules of samcro so she didn’t care at all. There’s a reason they’re called crow eaters. Anywhoo this episode definitely was a lot and it only gets crazier. Poor Tara & Otto 😩 Can’t wait for y’all to learn more about Lee. He’s another villain who’s justified in his actions. His innocent sister was killed by a member of gang so I’d be out for blood too.


Gemma's redeeming qualities are that she does love her son and grandsons and she does care about the club members. I mean when she learned Opie died she was devastated. But it is also true that her love for her family is borderline obsession of "no one but me can have them" Chibs getting VP made me so happy, even though he was the only natural choice. WHen I saw Lyla like that, I was exactly like you guys and Jax, that was horrifying. Also one of the few times Imatits did a good thing. Well Gemma is innocent of what happened to Tara. This is part of the plot I forgot. But it makes sense given how connected Torric is. Torric has all these favors because he was REALLY good at his job, but he was also too vicious and operated outside of protocol. They forced him to retire, they did not really fire him. He was valued for his results but his methods made him a problem to the Marshals silently let him go to avoid any collateral or legal predicaments. He's also liable for his own actions, so he's a valuable asset to them as well; he does anything wrong or illegal they have plausible deniability as anything he does is not official. That kid was the son of one of Nero's underling's girlfriend. You see her at the beginning of the episode and then you see Nero's guy saying hello to her son. And then finally you see him and her together; not even aware that their son shot up a church.

Michelle Finerty

Watching Gemma this season through the end of the series is insufferable IMO, maybe even starting towards the end of season 5. But Katey Sagal did such a great job portraying her. As much as I hated Clay, I felt sorry for him this season, especially on the actor, Ron Perlman. Ron had mentioned on a few interviews how much he disagreed with the writing of his character this season. When I first watched this episode many, many years ago I thought the blond kid was a young Jax. Boy was I wrong especially once we figured who he is. Colette = Jax’s mommy fetish. The dude just can’t keep it in his pants! I mean Tara was in jail for like a week or so and he couldn’t wait?!? smdh Once a cheater, always a cheater! As much as I love Tara and Jax together and I know it’s just a show, Tara should’ve left at the end of season 4. Colette removing Jax’s shoes sort of reminds me of Mary Magdalene in the bible. In the bible, she was a prostitute who cleansed Jesus’ feet as an act of love. I don’t really know much about the bible considering I went to Catholic school from elementary through high school but I do remember that part about Mary Magdalene for some reason. lol Also, I met Charlie Hunnam a week ago at FanX Comic Con in Salt Lake City and told him that I hated Jax the last 2 seasons of SOA but also told him that he did a great job portraying Jax for me to hate him and love him at times. His handler agreed too and we all had a good laugh about it. Charlie’s extremely kind in person. Great reactions! Can’t wait for the rest of the season and next!


I am watching the Shield right now, so good, and it is funny how many people from that show is in SoA


And Nikki, you were wondering about the cop in Stockton, he was in RoboCop

Liam Usery

Not sure if I’ve seen anyone else mention this or they just haven’t talked about this, but the Director and head writer of the show is the guy that plays Otto, and that’s not at all a spoiler it’s an easy look up fact but they’ve never mentioned Kurt Sutter before and how he’s been the mastermind behind alll that shit!!

Josip Buretic

I agree with you about Clay(Ron) I also feel sorry for him even if he has done so much bad bad stuff. Colette and Jax 🙄 I was so mad at Jax to sleep with her and she is also a bi... for doing that. That scene with Layla when she said "I want Opie" "I need Opie" it gets me every time so emotional 😥

Angie Lewis

The woman Tara beat down on was the woman who 'stole' her blanket earlier in the episode, I'm guessing as a show of who is boss. So, Tara either took it and gets shit on by them all or went for it and does a beat down to show she's not one to mess with. Many times through the seasons she has said she doesn't need anyone to handle her shit, and now she's proving it. And earlier in the episode you couldn't remember Pope's #2, his name is August Marks. Great reaction to one with such an awful sub plot, never an easy watch. Looking forward to the next!!


You meeting Charlie I’m not jealous at all 🤣😏 edit: omg you are so right about mary! Well done. That totally is it.


I joined watching SOA in season 6. Binged right before premiere, there were school shootings around this time. But I think was a way to make sure to honor the brutality of neglect. That kid was cutting on himself. Alone all the time. Editing the cut from the boy to Jax, who was journaling to his own sons.,,,felt like a, how adults’ lives affect kids, shape them; how you raise your sons may determine who they become. And that is the lesson of Jax and his father, and now Jax and his SONS. It’s the life. Choices.


It always impresses me with every re-watch how all the cops & agents & US attorneys (Stahl, Hale, Roosevelt, Potter, Toric) going after SOA have been handled so differently. Just superbly written & portrayed. None of them have felt boring or similar. Each having their own missions & reasons why they are determined to end the club. 👏 👏 I am so so excited for you guys to see this season.


Gemma gonna Gemma and right up there is Tig gonna Tig. He's caused so much shit in his spur of the moment choices that constantly hurt the club.

Angelique Juliette

The kid is the son of one Nero's crew members girlfriends.


Excactly Nikki, no loyalty from jax. I see it as him realising Tara’s pulling away from him, so he tries to hurt her, but because he loves her, in the end he just ends up hurting himself.

Tyrone Tyrone

Like y'all said the club does F'ed up stuff and now we see with the kid, all that gunrunning has consequences not that different from the drug cartels. And it had been six year's and I think the producers wanted to put out that they weren't glamorizing guns too much.

Michelle Finerty

@Josip Buretic Totally agree with what you said! I really couldn't stand the whole Jax's mommy fetish with Colette. He did Tara dirty for sure!

Michelle Finerty

@Ashley LOL, I hate to mention it but meeting Charlie at FanX was my 6th time meeting him in a year, and all were at comic cons! He's not the only one I met from the show during that time though. I've also met Ron, Theo, Ryan and Emilio. They're all super nice!


This episode originally aired in Sept 2013 less than a year after Sandy Hook. Kurt Sutter's storylines in Sons of Anarchy covered many issues that were uncomfortable and usually ignored during that time. I'm glad he didn't cut out the school shooting storyline and portrayed it as respectfully as possible.