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We watch Sons of Anarchy on Hulu

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There is a visual cue off the top, a countdown to start and a timer to help you sync up.




Couldn’t remember anything, but the Gemma flower stuff. Bit of a side setup ep I guess. Feel I just hated Clay so much at this point, after grabbing Gem, I was getting restless of his reign. S3 it mellowed, but immediately returned. The s1 opening pilot, had Clay in that first chunk of dialogue say, “it’s tough being king….remember that” to Jax. So begged for that all 3 seasons, “when can it be Jax?!” But he’s making the same terrible choices. I think I was rooting for Bobby and Chibs. Prez and VP. Dumb dot com

Marcus McGill

Roosevelt's wife, Rita (Merle Dandridge) played Marlene in both "The Last of Us" game and show.