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We watch BEEF on Netflix

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There are a couple visual cues and a timer to help you sync up.




Let’s go!


Wish we could see the video here but it’s fine keep up the great work guys


It’s okay we still love watching you both react much love


Am just curious if there was an update for SOA that I may have missed? Anyone could answer. 😊


LOL! "It's always something." I can relate. Glad this won the poll.

Don Mayhem

Wow, Steven Yeun plays a loser lol. I love Ali Wong. She was in Birds of Prey Harley Quinn movie that Nikki and Steven secretly love lol. That part where Amy's husband telling Amy "take a deep breathe. Pause" I was like fuck your deep breathes lmao. And then Nikki comes in with the "I would smack him. If you did that to me, I fucken smack you." LMAO NIKKI MY HERO LOL Only beef I saw was Burger King. Enough to makes Michael Bay blush.