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We watch Reacher on Amazon

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP. There are a few visual cues and a timer to help you sync up



Shirlene Wright

Great 1st season!! SPOILERS!!! So glad Roscoe & Finlay made it. Surprised to see Hubble.. although I should not have been. Neagley ROCKS! I KNEW that peach pie wasn't gonna be all that great!! lol!!

Matty B.

The guy in the diner at the end that Reacher walks by is Jack Reacher's creator, author Lee Child.


AFAIK, only Reacher and Neagley are in S2.


Fantastic season; Amazing show. I've never seen the movies. Are they as funny? I had a feeling that Reacher was going to leave Roscoe behind. I just didn't think the show was going to have him stay in a small town. Although, this small town had a lot going on. lol I'll be waiting on you guys for Season 2. See you there.

Ryan Towell

This is late again, but yeah if you read the novels, Jack never stays after fixing problems, kinda reminds me of the old Incredible hulk show when I was a kid, he just wanders, fixes wrongs along the way. Which going into this series I told myself not to get attached to the characters but it was hard, cause they were so good.. But yeah time for a new adventure coming next month I believe. Can't wait.