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We watch Sons of Anarchy on Hulu

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There are a couple visual cues and a timer to help you sync up.  

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Shanice British

I always had an unpopular opinion about the last 5 mins and I think it’s because I’m a survivor so I take the show too serious sometimes 😂😭 but Gemma telling her story was good for her to get that off her chest and all but it also felt icky as hell because she shared that because Jax was leaving and she wanted to pull him in like she told Clay to do in Season 1. Glad she shared it though it also heightened my dislike for her 🤷🏿‍♀️ Chibs was hurt and a lot of other stuff happened because of Zobelle but she kept it to herself. It just took Jax leaving for her to share which makes sense for her character as you guys will see further in the series. Also great reaction btw


This is one of my favourite episodes just from the last 5 minutes. The music, the acting, the cuts to the club members… so impactful & moving. I cry every time Gemma tells her story. I was the same Steven… when my best friends boyfriend recommended the show to me I really didn’t think I would enjoy watching guys ride around on motorcycles. I thought SOA be all action and no depth. How wrong was I. The emotions are strong in Sons. They feel so deeply, so strongly. The writing for the show is top notch & the actors blow me away every time. Great reaction as always guys. Really looking forward to seeing your reaction for the last few eps of Season 2.

JR Reed

This is a tough ending, it's hard not to get wrapped up and feel emotional when Gemma tells Clay and Jax. Tara, like a stand in for the audience, has a tear streaming listening to Gemma, this incredibly strong and resilient women bare herself to them. If there is anything that can bound a broken father and son this news will certainly do it. All the actors were great in this scene the visible anger and anguish on Jax's face. I can't wait for the next episode and the rest to come.


I agree with your take. I love this episode because I love the moment when she's telling them because I think it's well written and acted. But it's definitely one of the clearest forms of Gemma manipulation. She isn't telling them to help herself heal or even protect the club. She's telling them because she's fearful of Jax leaving and it fracturing the future she sees for him and the club. There's beauty in this being such a powerful moment but there is definitely this undertone of Gemma's motivations shinning through.

Shanice British

Exactly!! Her saying to Tara that he won’t be protected had me laughing because when did she care about that? This is the same woman who told Clay to reel him in when he was changing for the better because he just had a baby. It’s the club before everything with her but I am glad she got it off her chest if it helped her feel a bit lighter because that’s how it felt for me but the intentions matter.


Thanks for suprising us. Couldn’t wait for this epsiode😭, so many other great moments like this to come. So can’t wait!


Omg! Yay! Grabbing dinner and will watch. This episode was when it hit, me, this was a story about heart/soul/love in these people, and bikes are just background noise.


What a great reaction. One of many tears to shed.


yay such a nice surprise!! 😁 all the chaos unraveling, lets gooooooo. and totally agree with you guys and the other comments. this was a rough ending.

kara bella

Please watch their gag reels too. They're funny 😂


Finished. Cried with Nikki. Third watch and still breaks my heart. Jax picking up his patches, taking them back — was meant to show his choice. He’s staying home. I echo Nikki’s thoughts on how they portrayed the telling of Gemma’s story. The pain got used for good, which was the perfect payoff. The horror, unified the family. Also, Jax’s pain, and rage, while kissing his moms hands. Gutting. Beautiful sequence. Thanks for reacting to this so quickly. It’s powerful. Appreciate all your thoughtful takes.

Chaos T

This season is so f'ing good.

Chad Pike

Your reaction to this show on your YouTube channel brought me here to your Patreon family I guess you could say because this is one of my favorite shows ever. I watched Sons of Anarchy all through it's run on FX every Tuesday and having to wait a week between shows was torture. I watched Sons here one night on FX and on another night I got to watch another all-time great show that you guys really need to watch because you both would love it that was called Justified. Love your channel guys, you have a new subscriber and fan.

Rita Hunter

I can't even tell you guys how glad I am that you're on this SOA journey! I watched the show in real time after it premiered on FX and it roped me in the same way it has the two of you. Back then it had big hiatuses and breaks between seasons, of course, so it's amazing to be able to watch it again and relive how passionately I came to love it, its stories and characters. That last scene with Gemma's reveal had me tearing up again right along with you both. Damn, this show is incredible! As always, looking forward to watching more with you, Nikki & Steven. Long live SOA!

The Emerald Duchess

The ride that’s coming……… 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Don Mayhem

Very emotional ending 😔. That would mess with anyone's head knowing your mother was raped. We're really seeing a different side to Gemma then how we saw her in season 1. I've seen this so many times and I'm still finding stuff I don't remember. I just spotted something that I'm not going to mention until later due to it being a spoiler. But I am shocked it's on this episode. I'll let you know when we get there, but it won't be for a while

Coco Walker

So. YES, Gemma absolutely had to get that off her chest for herself… BUT this is where it started becoming eerie and I noticed how tight and knotted her apron strings were around Jax’s neck….And before anyone comes for me for unsisterly calling out the timing of again, a very necessary talk, think about it. Car bombs going off weren’t enough to get her to spill. Nearly the entire charter going to jail and BARELY making it out alive wasn’t enough. Knowing BEFORE all of that how shit went down with Donna and the pressure/ divide it put on Jax and Clay wasn’t enough… BUT THE MINUTE JAX SAYS HE’s leaving and Clay doesn’t give a fuck about it being her wish that he either beings Jax closer or at the least doesn’t let the vote stick, UNO REVERSE like a motherfucker…The eerie, for me comes in with the fact that Tara had been trying all along to get Jax to pull back a little, her ( being both Tara and Gemma) knowing he’d found JT’s manuscript, and Tara pushing Gemma to fess up for like 5 episodes now…Not that I can blame her, it’s just for me, here is where she stops being Mother Gemma Superior and the things JT wrote really start clicking into place for me as far as a “ would she really let Jax and company ride around with or without knowing something that is important enough that we see it playing out and affecting the boys?” Standpoint.💁🏾‍♀️ Thus I have dubbed this episode forever in my brain as SUPER INO REVERSE 😁

Coco Walker

*Super UNO reverse😂

Coco Walker

Same! But one thing that has been constant for me and I have watched and rewatched is that THIS episode, is where I notice the shift in Gemma, as far as what she’ll do to keep Jax close to her at all costs…Granted by the second time around I could remember what was coming after but for me the real tug of war in Jax starts here…Not to make anything she went through as far as the assault seem little because it wasn’t, but car bombs, set ups that land her husband and son in a position where they might not come out alive, them needing something to get them on the same page BEFORE any of that went down, and Jax being okay to leave what he has considered his birthright since he was a little kid, to walk away with Tara… it all adds up to the confession being more calculated so Jax doesn’t leave her than it does that she was ready to get it off her chest… and in the name of THAT being the one thing that could break her, watching her moves going forward, especially where T is concerned just makes this episode more eerie to me.


Jax kills unser his mom in the second to last episode on the last season he also kills clay and he commits suicide at the end oh and chema kills tara

Callum Redfearn

Lmao Nikki's head shake at the intro makes me laugh every time


100% one of the most powerful scenes in the series i still cry to this day watching gemma tell the lads about what happened to her.


It took guts for Gemma to do what she did by confessing. The moment I saw Jax's hand touch Clay's shoulder for comfort and Clay returning said comfort spoke to me that SoA is now more united than ever before. West and Zoebelle were done, especially West. Clay and Jax may have differing philosophies, but they do their damnest to protect the people and things they care for. I also need to give a throw of shade at Cameron for betraying SoA after they saved his life back in S1.

C Moff

I like hard core Gemma but I love vulnerable Gemma.


Why can't I see or hear the show? Why is it blurred?


So I just paid to not be able to see the show? You can’t just post what u post on YouTube on here, just earlier?


So a couple things Jackson. It’s clearly stated when you sign up that these are full watch-a-long reactions where you need you own copy to sync. We won’t be violating copyright law to show the full show. And my schedule is so jammed I’m barely getting the edited versions on YouTube so it’s not as easy as it sounds just posting them earlier here.