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We watch The Mandalorian on Disney+  

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP. There are a few visual cues and a timer to help you sync up




Yaaaa, it turns out we're all a bunch of nerds who overthought the spy thing. Apparently "the spies" referred to Bo's scouting party on Mandalore. It's some kind of biblical reference related to Moses sending out twelve spies (i.e., scouts) from different tribes to investigate the land of Canaan.


yeah, i think that's weak - the more traditional use of spy is the title of the episode where mando get ambushed. i love a good swerve but that wasn't it for me


They definitely should've named it something other than "The Spies."

Don Mayhem

Din Grogu yes yes yes yes yes 😆. It's the season finale and it was only 35 minutes long? I still liked it, but felt like there could of been more. I was expecting a mid credit scene where one of the Gideon clones survived. It would takes it's first breathe, cut to black, and back to the credits. I was expecting Thrawn to appear too at the end. Taking over Gideon's position or something, but nope. No blue man group reject until Asoka show. I'm wonder if maybe this season was affected by Gina Carano being fired. Not sure how far along Jon Favreau was writing the script for this season with Cara Dune in the story when Disney decided to fire Gina and Jon had to do rewrites and alternate different stories. This was not the way lol. Looking forward to Asoka show. I need to start watching The Clone Wars. This is the way.


I still believe that Grogu is the Mandalorian and now it's pretty convenient that we have Grogu the little force user who could potentially rebuild the broken Darksaber and then he can tame and ride the Mythosaur.

Aaron Barlow

Din Grogu sounds better than Grogu Djarin

Aaron Barlow

Pretty obscure, not something the vast majority of fans wold pick up on.

Aaron Barlow

This was definitely not the way. Gina said absolutely NOTHING wrong in her tweet, treating any group in society as less deserving of basic rights than others inevitably leads to injustice and atrocities against that group similar to WW2. A sentiment any rational, moral person would agree with. What a waste of an awesome character and actress.

Aaron Barlow

He can use the force to make the mythosaur say 'yes' and 'no' in a menacing baritone.

angie808 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-23 02:15:52 Maybe that wasn't the real Moff Gideon. Perhaps it was one of his clones. The real Moff is still in hiding. I guess we wait & see. Other than Grogu - oh, excuse me, Din Grogu using the force to save Din & Bo, I was a little disappointed with the end. BUT, overall, it was still a good season. It's always great watching Mandalorian.
2023-04-22 19:25:37 Maybe that wasn't the real Moff Gideon. Perhaps it was one of his clones. The real Moff is still in hiding. I guess we wait & see. Other than Grogu - oh, excuse me, Din Grogu using the force to save Din & Bo, I was a little disappointed with the end. BUT, overall, it was still a good season. It's always great watching Mandalorian.

Maybe that wasn't the real Moff Gideon. Perhaps it was one of his clones. The real Moff is still in hiding. I guess we wait & see. Other than Grogu - oh, excuse me, Din Grogu using the force to save Din & Bo, I was a little disappointed with the end. BUT, overall, it was still a good season. It's always great watching Mandalorian.