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We watch The Last of Us on HBO Max.

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP. There are a few visual cues and a timer to help you sync up



Michelle G (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 14:28:53 Came into this with zero knowledge and expectations (although I had heard of TLOU & knew it was a zombie apocalypse story) - a fantastic show in every respect - cast/acting, visuals, cinematography, central premise, script & music - with an emotional kick. Sad it's the last episode!
2023-03-13 08:10:19 Came into this with zero knowledge and expectations (although I had heard of TLOU & knew it was a zombie apocalypse story) - a fantastic show in every respect - cast/acting, visuals, cinematography, central premise, script & music - with an emotional kick. Sad it's the last episode!

Came into this with zero knowledge and expectations (although I had heard of TLOU & knew it was a zombie apocalypse story) - a fantastic show in every respect - cast/acting, visuals, cinematography, central premise, script & music - with an emotional kick. Sad it's the last episode!

Haughtbreaker Nic

Loved watching yall react to this. I can't wait for s2. Did you notice that the person you were speaking about being in the operating room, was actually in the operating room scene, at least her VA, as one of the nurses?

Sneaky Poptart

So glad they included the Giraffe scene, I would have incited a riot if it wasn't included. What a short yet perfect ending to season one.

Marcus McGill

I wish they would have shown the one scene from the game to set up Season 2.


That opening had me sobbing 😭


Good stuff.


Such a great episode, and fun fact the guy who is pushing Joel down the stairs in the hospital is actually my step brother!


Wow! That stunt sequence in the stairwell was wild! Great work.


Hi Nikki and Steven, Did you watch The Making of The Last of Us? I know that some people don't like to watch those because it might spoil the "magic" for them. I thought it was so great to use actors from the game in the show. We hear from them along with the creator of the game and series and they also talk about the make up for the clickers and bloater along with the sounds and movement. It's very interesting.