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We watch The Last Kingdom on Netflix

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP. There are a few visual cues and a timer to help you sync up




Oh, Edward pulled an Alfred! I think it’s what his father would have done. And it was the only play. The daughter was not it. Secures his line and rooted out disloyalty. First time I’ve been impressed by Edward. He just doesn’t come off as “kingly” as Alfred would have doing this. I wept at Aethelflead and Uhtred! Didn’t love editing, cutting to Brida mid-emo scenes, but other than that, was beautifully sad.


Ps oh, “I’ll be with Uhtred” I’m like you tell him Aethelstan! You will be with your REAL father! You guys are so right! Uhtred putting his hand on Aelswith’s shoulder, was so sweet! And he has done so much for her family. INCLUDING RAISING Aethelstan!!


This episode made me cry so much. This season is really a hard one, but somehow it's my favorite. Maybe even in spite of how emotional it is. So well done. And you definitely have to pay attention to Edward because sometimes it seems like he's doing "wrong" but ultimately he's not. You can see he's only doing what's right and for the betterment of everyone. Some of the choices he makes, like with murdering the ealdormen, seem wrong. And it's those instances that are sort of a "necessary evil" type of situation. And in some ways still justifiable given they were all bribed. Arguing the right or wrong of it is normal, and understanding understanding right and wrong of it is normal. But ultimately those types of choices had to be made. He is a king so he holds himself a certain way. He controls his emotions. He's not always easy to read. It's in his moments of weakness you can glimpse who he is. Like when his children were held hostage. And like now, when his sister passed away and he kissed her goodbye. It shows Edward isn't bad. He's definitely grown as well from the idiocy of a young man, as we saw in season 4. Now he's just making the hard choices. But he's doing them for right reasons. He's very complicated and tough to figure out sometimes. But Edward is definitely a good person, even if we don't always like or agree with his choices. He's not "one of the group" but he's also not the enemy. Even if some situations arise that feel that way. The same thing happened with Alfred. It seems pretty normal for kings I guess. Lol

Davis Clark

Nah Edward didn’t do the right thing and I’m tired of people acting like he did. He has been pissed for years that his sister got on the throne. He was only out for himself and would say anything to make his intentions sound good. This is the same guy that had no problem throwing horsemen against a closed gate and threatened the elder man last season over stuff that was none of his business. Alfred wouldn’t have betrayed his own daughters wishes quickly like that . If I was the elders I would’ve taken the bribe and then simply voted for my queens wishes since I’d already have the money. We’ll never know what they would’ve done because Edward is a cowardly loser

Adam Wayne

Just an opinion, but in today's way of thinking, it's easy to condemn Edward. The ealdormen that were killed "accepted" and were not forced to take the bribe to dishonor Lady Aethelflaed and her wishes. I don't agree with murder, but as Uhtred said, it was the way of kingship. One might say, at least they were old and not young corrupted ealdormen that were about to betray Mercia and its lady. Perhaps Alfred's son (who did NOT want the crown) is learning the game of thrones.


Edward was ruthless. It may not have been nice but he acted decisively. The eldermen had accepted the bribes so


This was one of my favorite episodes because of the exploration of grief coupled with the crisis of faith for so many of the characters. Aelfwynn's "I do not understand why she is being taken from us now", Brida's "If Vibeke was His child why did He let her die?", Aethelflaed's "I have not stopped wondering about what we gave up to become who we are", Aelswith's "I need Him to speak to me", and of course Eadith's "Why do we attach ourselves to these people?". It's the thread that carries through the course of the episode. When faced with such overwhelming loss, it's easy to be shaken, to feel untethered and lost, to question, to look for meaning where there seems to be none. It's a beautiful and heartbreaking exploration of the human condition. But I think, in the end, it's Pyrlig's answer to Brida's "I am alone!" that becomes the anchor they are each searching for: "No, you are not."


Heads up I think you missed the episode # in the title

Davis Clark

Alfred would’ve gone for Aethehelm instead. Also, “emo” really? She was just grieving for her daughter


I'm not so sure that Alfred wouldn't approve...eventually. It was a bold, and merciless move, but Alfred was all about uniting the kingdom, and Aelfwyn wasn't ready. And anything that goes against what Aethelhelm had planned, I can get behind. In the end, maybe you did too? "Strike first; Strike hard; No Mercy." LOL! I feel Aelswith's pain. Even Uhtred has crisis' of faith, which is why he's there for her. And Pyrlig came into his faith, after being a warrior, so he understands Brida's lack of faith, too. What a great episode.

Alan Unaiomen

I think that what Edward did was actually smart. Now he has both Wessex and Mercia and basically no one in Mercia that would betray him.


The amount of time I spend refreshing for TLK on Sunday’s is not healthy. I need times damnit!