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We watch The Last Kingdom on Netflix

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP. There are a few visual cues and a timer to help you sync up


TheLastKingdom-Season3-Episode10-REACTION-full.mp4 - Onehub

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Chris Cobb

I love this show so much, and you guys are alright as well;)

Ali Mudd

So glad you love this show! Awesome to watch your reactions. This season is a great one, and it's always amazing how much they fit in a season..I mean Uhtred lost his wife, brother and sister in this season 😥 Can't wait for you to start S4!


Your comment about the side quests made me laugh because when you think about it, everything he's done has been a side quest. The main quest is to reclaim Bebbanburg, and the first task was "gain Alfred's trust." Uhtred just kept starting the wrong side quests, so it took longer to build up the relationship bar 😂 But he's finally completed the first task so what comes next? Can't wait for you to find out. Loving these reactions, can't wait for the next one

Erica C

What an incredible finale!!! It's amazing to see how invested you guys are! Love seeing Edward step up in this episode and the death of Aethelwold was *chef's kiss*. Looking forward to the next season!


Aw, man! Thyra's death was so hard. And then seeing Beoca screaming for her. Ugh! Talk about heartbreak. Edward stepped up. He was even so well trained that he could fight alongside his men. Alfred would be proud. Finally, Aethelwold is dead. And Ragnar is in Valhalla. Fantastic season! Awesome reactions. Can't wait for the next season stuff.


This dude Hestin always escapes lol. It is something I expect every time I see him.

Jill Clay

I love watching your reviews on this fantastic show. What I will say about Aelswith is that she goes on a journey. I actually quite liked her by the end. Talking of journeys, its the same for Edward as well. It will be interesting to see what you think about it. Season 4, I really enjoyed, I can't wait to see your reactions to it.


Athelwold death was so perfect and satisfying. He was a great weasel villain played by a great actor.


Unlike GOT and HOD, TLK is not about gaining power. Uhtred is trying to gain a home. Uhtred sacrificed everything for other people's dreams but he never sacrificed anybody for his dream.

House Powers

Well, that's because Uhtred has mainly been showcased as a warrior, and so he fights to make other people powerful. Book-Uhtred does not just care about reputation and retrieving Bebbanburg, he also cares about having the power to obtain both and there are chapters dedicated to his quests for power and wealth. I don't think the quest for power is inherently a bad thing. One commonality between the show and books is the importance Uhtred places on his principles; those he will not bend for even the greatest throne or heaviest chest of gold. But that was not always the case; slavery - and not the least, Gisla - changed Uhtred from a willful boy to a more thoughtful and cautious man.


If there's anything constant in TLK, it's that Hestin will always escape! 😆😆 That little 💩 always runs. Lmao

Brian Clancy

Saying you like a characters arc is essentially a spoiler, let them find out for themselves like theyre supposed to..

Darrell Neely

Guys take another look at that church scene where new Father-in -Law suggests removing Edwards first kids. Aelswith is not on board , she is more disturbed by his proposal. Sure she wanted the first marriage out of the way, to secure a strong alliance, but she isn't into killing kids.

Jaroslav Dočekal

Rewatch the "who he can trust, and who he must discard" scene 😀😀😀


Please, do not refer to future developments of characters.