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We watch The Last Kingdom on Netflix

This is a watch-a-long so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP. There are a few visual cues and a timer to help you sync up.


TheLastKingdom-Season2-Episode5-REACTION-full.mp4 - Onehub

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This show is based on a book series and they are doing 2 books a season that is why 2x4 seemed like a finally it was the end of book 3.


Really wish you did your watch along with the fair use timer on so we can watch it on the same screen and you at the same time. Kinda the point for me 😞 I switched over from YouTube so I could watch the full length but it's distracting. Other creators I watch do it with the fair use and it's great. Just a suggestion. @winston I'm reading the books too and they are so different from the show. I started with the show and re-watched it so much but I wanted to see how Finnen and Uthred met as slaves. So many differences that's for sure!

Angela Przybylski

The early church of England is different than the Catholic church and their rules on marriage. And yes each season is based on 2 books so able to have different story lines. First 2 season you know what part is what book where the seasons after just combined the 2 books for a more solid story line


Yes, you have a sync timer up. The fair use timer is where you can watch the movie and or video fully shown and every so often the timer will go off for 30 seconds to a minute and it grays out the video part of the screen that's playing and the sound still plays. Then it comes back on like nothing happened. On your end you still see everything fully. You're still reacting to it all. Not sure how to set it up but it's so much more convenient lol.


Honestly, I still can't really picture what you mean. A fair use timer on a 60 minute episode of TV or a 2 hour movie? It's still not making too much sense for me. From what you're explaining, sounds like a TON of work that I'm not sure I have the time for if I am to get any content posted. It's also against copyright to have the audio playing for the full episode/movie. I am starting the reaction at the start of the episode/movie and insert 3-5 visual aids throughout.


I'm not sure if it's something that you set up a head of time or not. I've just seen other creators doing it. 😳


I agree! I just signed up and I thought (really hoped) it would be just like the YouTube reactions which brought me here. In those ones you can follow the episodes and your reactions on the same screen, it’s great! Having to manage two separate screens is not as fun. Is it possible to have the videos as you have them on YT?


@Tara It's against the law of copyright to post a piece of content with the full show/movie showing. It might not be as fun, but we are not going to get sued for it. Is it possible to have the videos as we have them on TY? Expand on that idea please.


I have two browsers open at the same time with Netflix on mute. One browser shrunk and the other big. It’s worth it and works for me but I understand managing two screens is tricky and can be frustrating.


Oh yeah! Let's go, new Last Kingdom reaction


Oh ok, I wasn’t sure of the copyright rules for this site. I can’t really explain in detail what I mean ‘having it the same as YT’ but basically the same experience is what I meant. As in, the reactions on YT for me were coming up with the full screen of you two reacting and the little rectangle at the bottom with the episode playing. That’s what I meant. Right now for this, it has the timer going and the picture saying TLK but no video of the episode. Honestly, don’t want you guys to get sued of course but it seems like your replies are a bit short of our suggestions/expression. We weren’t trying to be offensive, was just wondering why these reactions are slightly different than how they are on YT. I’m not super technical so I’m sorry that I can’t explain it better. Anyway, you must do your work how it works for you and so I hope me or anyone else watching you isn’t hoping for you guys to get into any legal jam. We just enjoy your reaction and that’s why wanted to make the most of it. Stay well.

Angela Przybylski

I usually sync up Netflix on the TV with the reaction on my phone. But I've seen every episode so many times I know them practically by heart


@Tara I'm not being short and I'm not offended... That's just how to speak/type answers to things. Copyright isn't a YouTube thing, it's a media thing that lives everywhere. Some people push the envelope on that but we can't. I try to give as much information about the full reactions, saying it's a watch-a-long and you need to sync on the patreon tiers so people know before they sign up


Not your fault, it’s my tech shortcomings I suppose. Thanks for replying.

Robin Lee Melendez

Listening to you guys discuss all the characters & relationships at the end has me super stoked for reactions to come! I love this show so much, on rewatch I'm catching so many new things. The casting for the entire series is just perfect. Destiny is ALL!


I am Soooooo happpy you guys fell in love with this show like I did. And it’s soooo DEAR TO MY 💜 HEART. Yes the band of brothers that serve Uhtred is so special. Rare to have a show that is crafted well, and also makes you fall in love with it. The characters and the emotional beats that capture you. Even characters like Erik are fascinating. It cast so well. Lovveee 💜💜💜💜🤍🤍🤍🤍


Ps don’t they do time jumps so well?! I kept thinking when ep 1 House of the Dragon came out that I hoped they would mimic TLK. Not quite as flawless as TLK u fortunately.

Michelle G

I'm re-watching just ahead of N&S and loving it even more on second viewing! The characters and writing on this show are outstanding and really sets a high bar that all shows (of any genre) should aspire to 🙂...editing these reactions must be a nightmare due to volume of significant content! btw I just read that another one of Bernard Cornwell's book series is being filmed (Warlord series / Winter king - about King Arthur et al apparently 👍) ...


The celibacy came couple of hundreds years later for the priests.


Sihtric - "And thank you, Lord. We will name our first son Uhtred, Lord." Uhtred - "No, you will not!" Sihtric - "No, I will not." Cracks me up every single time.


Yeah .. There are 13 books .. but the show stops at the 8th or 9th book .


I am so glad you love this show .. for it is one of my Favorites. I remember mentioning this show to you in you tube .. when you asked us which show we want you to watch ..and oh yeah ..I Knew you would love TLK ..


Per your conversation regarding the epic beards....the Vikings/Danes were known for their cleanliness and grooming. They took care of their hair and beards really well and even bleached them to remove lice etc. There are records of local men complaining that women preferred the Danes because they smelled better. I'll always remember learning about that - it was an hilarious class discussion.


Is it the way The Normies do theirs. Anyways I'm glad that the original aucio is always there in Nikki and Stevens reactions. I tried to watch Sithfurion on Patreon and could not sync the audio


what you are talking about on youtube, fair use laws say you can only post ten minutes of an hour show legally, when the normies(or any other youtuber) do the fair use timer its to let the company know they are only showing ten minutes of the show so it doesnt get taken down. Nikki and steven do that on the youtube reactions, however any youtuber who does full reactions has to do it like this otherwise its illegal, nothing nikki and steven can do unfortunately, I usually have the show on my tv and sync it with my laptop or phone so i can still do both.

Carmen Cunningham

I absolutely love your reactions! The reason why the last episode felt like a finale and this one a premiere is because each season is 2 books. So last episode was the end of book 3 in the Saxon stories. So really good catch.