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TheBoys-Season2-Episode6-REACTION-extended.mp4 * Onehub


Matt O'Keefe

Go call Nikki! Yes the guy who plays Lamplighter was also Iceman in the X-Men movies. He is actor Shawn Ashmore. Of course, Iceman's rival in the movies was Pyro, essentially their LampLighter.

Matt O'Keefe

My opinion is that Homelander is not a racist. He looks down on regular humans and their interests. He has never expressed real racist views. But he has called non-supes mudpeople. When he derided Ryan learning Spanish, I think he did because he didn't see a reason for it. I think (maybe hope), I don't know, he will turn on Stormfront for maybe attacking those he does think are superior, Supes no matter their color. And obviously he sees her as a rival, who scoffs at the popularity he loves to have. I'm not saying he is going to fight her/turn on her for noble reasons. He will do it for the reasons he thinks are right. He hates Vaught. They put limits on him. Stormfront is putting up a public front of rebelling against Vaught, but she loves the company and now we know why.


Every episode seems to have a more extreme WTF moment, or more than one. Does that mean that these upcoming final 2 episodes are going to have more extreme WTF moments than we have had so far? I hope so, this is fun, tense and exciting. Keep it up Nikki and Steven, you two are doing real good.

Carlos Hurtado

I agree with Nikki it's kinda bull that the acid spitter guy was able to damage himself with his own acid. That would be like Mr. Freeze freezing to death.

Matt O'Keefe

Our own stomach acid would damage us outside of our own stomachs. Acid reflux is the condition the most people would recognize as an example of that. That's why I have no issue with it.

Carlos Hurtado

Yea I know that. I'm just talking about as far a super heros go it's usually fire guy immune to fire, ice guy immune to ice, acid guy immune to acid. I don't have issue with it. I just thought it was weird . I guess it's a common trope that I'm use to in video games and movies.


I think the girl who blew up that guy cindy is the one who blew up Raynor's head xx

Jim Alderman

About Fresca and the Church: some cults enthusiastically support and promote certain brands, especially if those brands are either the founder's favorite brand, or if said brand is owned by a church member. So Fresca is either Allistar (whatever his name is)'s favorite drink, or the Church owns Fresca.

A tall shade of the color red

I interpret Homelander as thinking on a different morality scale. What brings attention to him is good, what shines the light away from him is bad. Speaking Spanish is bad because it doesn't include him. Going to a meeting for 20+ minutes (and keeping its purpose a secret) is bad because it doesn't include him. Outing Maeve is good because he's part of that. I'd imagine killing/not killing people because of their ethnicity is like picking a chair. I'm not sure he'd even recognize racism if he saw it...

Matt O'Keefe

That a very good and interesting theory on how Homelander thinks. The big unknown now is how much Edgar know about Stormfront and her real views. The answer to that might answer the question many have asked? How can Edgar so comfortably talk down to Homelander. Does the answer to that and how much he actually knows about Stormfront imply that he might have powers himself, maybe powers that can defeat one of them if not both?

A tall shade of the color red

I wonder if we've been handed a clue as to why Stormfront was appointed to the Seven. She was the wife of Frederick Vought, so what if he left her his stake in the company? If it remained large enough, that alone could've allowed her to pressure Edgar to let her in. We see that both Edgar and Stormfront have been chatting about Sage Grove, and we see that she's been running the day-to-day of it. Its purpose, as inferred by Lamplight, is to improve Compound V. Edgar fancies himself head of a pharmaceutical company (don't you now Mr. Fring 😉). Refining Compound V gives him a better product. Stormfront fancies herself leading against the hordes of "other". A refined Compound V helps her build an army of Übermensch. Raynor figured out that "it's a coup from the inside" shortly before blowing up. I wonder if Liberty/Stormfront's time in hiding was spent continuing her late husband's work at Sage Grove, and somehow leveraged this into her current position? Massive hiccup here is Raynor may never have learned of Sage Grove (or it could be how she learned of Liberty), and that she was reacting to a Super-terrorist making port, which it seems was Homelander's doing (side-note: while fascists need an evil to rail against, I'm not sure whether Stormfront would rely on creating this or actually believes her own bullshit). I'm still missing something here. Also, I'm not ready to believe they let Cindy out to blow up Raynor's head. She seems way too ready to blow up the heads of her captors. Maybe they're stabilizing the V down to specific traits, and the "version" given to Cindy was also given to someone else? Good luck to Maeve, but even if she sets up a scheduled email, Homelander can still extract get email password from her by threatening to not only kill Maeve, but Elena as well 🙁 As for the Fresca, my personal take was that it's a riff on the ongoing obsession with LaCroix (flavored sparkling water) at the time the show was written? What is Allistair hoping to do with a crew of supes?

Matt O'Keefe

Who thinks Homelander is not going to be happy about not being informed about Sage Grove. There is no hint that he knows anything about it. It's a lie of omission by Stormfront and Edgar.

Matt O'Keefe

It's where Stormfront went for more than 20 min. They are abusing supes there, his "people".