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Ozark-Season1-Episode8-REACTION-extended.mp4 * Onehub



In regards to Steven asking about Wendy, she knew all along what Marty was into. If you remember in the first episode she seemed shocked because it was a shocking situation, she thought everything was going fine then all of a sudden the shit hit the fan. You have to remember by the time of the first episode Marty had been working with Del for about 10 years so for everything to be all of a sudden thrown for a loop must have been really shocking for her.


This episode showed all these origin stories, and it gave us snippets of scenes out of any kind of order. It was challenging for me to piece them together, like the scene of Wendy crying in a hospital room didn’t make sense until the pregnancy test scene, and then the car accident a second time. Just like how FBI dude’s mom went from just acting spicy to shooting up heroin, and in her final scene, FBI dude having to coax her to take the pain pills. That was quite the journey! Out of order! But I got it.


That was a good entertaining episode considering it was so much backstory.


In certain ways, Wendy's life resembled Walter White's in the fact that they obviously are both extremely intelligent people, but also both were struggling in their lives because of one reason or another. But then making a conscious decision to participate in something illegal made them both feel re-invigorated and "alive", completely disregarding what the consequences might be, big picture.


I totally get what you’re saying. I think it’s cool that they did it that way rather than just spoon feeding it to us because it makes you pay closer attention and makes the episode more engaging :)