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TheExpanse-Season1-Episode9-REACTION-extended.mp4 * Files * React * Onehub


Dan Guisinger

i've heard you mention the guy at the morgue a few times, I haven't seen if anyone else has clarified it for you. The guy at the morgue had an implant that fooled their scanners on his identity, it was showing a different identity every time. The guy Miller saw racing was the real person with that identity. The actual data broker, I don't think we ever got his name, really was dead. It is like having a wallet full of fake IDs with different names.

T. Arnold Ferguson

The pencils are a great example of how small details can be significant. Remember that Frank was taking notes with a pencil in an earlier episode, while everyone else was using hand terminals. Chrisjen knew they had to have some importance. By the way, Chrisjen is third in line to head up Earth, not second, Still loving your reactions...but you ain't seen nuttin' yet. :)

Scott Fellows

Steven, remember, Julie brought the intel she got from the data broker to Dawes. He didn't know anything about it until she told him. He then chose to support her in trying to recover intel and whatever else she could find. He supported her with the ship and crew. Then, when everything fell apart, he stopped supporting her. Fred got wind of the abandoned "Lionel Polanski" OPA asset and sent the Roci to investigate.

Reaction Junkie

Once again Nikki & Steven have came to the rescue of my isolation blues!!! haha I absolutely love these reactions!!


The drives were built at Bush shipyards on Luna, not earth...they could have been paid for/by anyone. Remember, next episode is a season finale, but, book one doesn't end till halfway through S2, So it may not feel like your typical season finale ( only saying this because I know you've watched ep 10 by now), Thanks guys! See you Saturday.

Frankie H

Regarding your question about why Dawes beat the crap out of Miller and almost killed him, I think its because Miller was uncovering things that Dawes would rather people not find out about. Like how Dawes abandoned Julie, or how Dawes planned a high risk OPA op that failed miserably. Or something along those lines. Also Chrisjen's boss is named Sadavir Errinwright, the number 2 guy in the UN making Chrisjen number 3.


Love the reaction and all your theories! Tho no reaction to Miller and Holden both getting a lethal dose of radiation at the end there? :P


The next episode, S1E10, called Leviathan Wakes, won a Hugo award. We are so proud of this show! Right now s4E10 is also up for the same award again!! Love your reactions and so happy I won't have to wait too long!!

Peadar O'Ruadhán

Its reactions like this that dispel any guilt I had for harassing you two to watch this show for so long lol. Brilliant reaction, love you putting all the puzzle pieces together and the bouncing theories off each other, its great entertainment. This episode is great putting all the pieces into chronological order. This episode and the next one were basically one episode, and I think they were aired together. :)


COPY FROM MY YOUTUBE COMMENT: **I'VE BEEN SO SICK but this made my NIGHT. Made me smile** 😍 -- Steven is like a kid on a Monster drink watching its SOOOO fun. May be the best reactions you guys have done for me, since GOT. And I love all your reactions. Just wanted to let you know!!! 💯💯💯


ps I would love to have Nikki finish a couple of those trains of thoughts she was on. **Nikki** you are VERY INTUITIVE WITH WOMEN. You were on a line of thought with Cersei Stark. Aka Christian... that was going somewhere. Jump in there Nik!!! 😘😘😘😘


thank you for the comment Ashley... we are very sorry you are not feeling well. so happy y'all are enjoying the reactions and all my wacky theories and lack of understanding of everything that's happening... ha!!!


yeah, between all y'all comments, which are super helpful, and watching though editing, things become so much more clear after our first viewing. \


we are happy everyone who loves this show so much stayed on us to watch it... we are LOVING it so far


Oh i meant the discussion after, was only joking anyway