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BetterCallSaul-Season5-Episode3-REACTION-extended.mp4 * Files * React * Onehub


Carlos Hurtado

“When you’re in you’re in”. That’s Nachos problem. He screwed up his only chance of running by having that guy offer his dad too much money. I don’t see him leaving town without knowing if his dad will be safe. He can’t turn himself in they will kill him and possibly his dad. It sucks. I only see it going one way for Nacho. I hope we are wrong . I want him to make it out unscathed.

Jarrod Wild

What a twist! I like that Crazy 8 becoming an informant was actually part of Lalo's plan to screw with Gus.


About 'fear not being an effective motivator' - Gus goes on to take a box cutter to someone's neck in front of Walt and Jesse, then later goes on to threaten to murder Walt's entire family including his 'infant daughter' a season or so after saying that at any rate, so am not sure there's any link between that comment and events in this show :D


I am in the camp of liking BCS a little more then BB, people that say Saul is too slow I don't think remember how slow the early seasons of Breaking Bad were, both theses shows are just so well made. 🍺🧱👮‍♂️🐜


I think Walt caused so much chaos around him and everyone around him I think he forces people’s to abandon certain things. Outside of certain moments I feel Gus is a little more chill in BrBa. He has his moments of course but that line is not said on accident and I don’t see him being a giant contradiction.

Bryan Givens

So good, just so good. 🍻🧱👮‍♂️🐜

Shadoe Price

Although Mike does give him a look when he says it. At that point most of Gus's plan is in place and he can afford to be more chill.

Mama Browsss

I remember Gus telling Walt - "Never make the same mistake twice". I do believe that his fear tactics in BCS are gonna some how come back and bite him in the ass... 🍺🧱👮‍♂️🐜


Found a good comment on imdb for this episode;“ Slippin' Kimmy These are really interesting twists for Kim's character. We see how she is starting to empathize more with and even join Saul Goodman, because she is seeing how the system is flawed. from the pro bono cases to the trying to help the guy a new place has to do with her realizing that the justice system benefits those in power; those with money. QUITE LITERALLY A BANK is displacing a guy from his home! Quite literally the justice system is prying a little too much into a family dispute. Kim gets taken away from what she finds to be meaningful work all just to further the interests of a BANK! An obvious symbol for what Kim doesn't want to be doing. Remember, she wants to be Atticus Finch. She wants true justice. So, when Saul was playing that daring game of dropping the beer but catching and then Kim went ahead and just threw it, that was an insanely clever unspoken dialogue. As if Jimmy was asking, "What are your thoughts? We gonna break some rules for some fun?" And Kim answer is a deliberate one-not for fun, but because the justice system is actually flawed. So, she is now willing to break the rules, no questions. She realizes exactly what the issue in the justice system is. I just find it very interesting that we have an episode coming up called Wexler vs McGill. Something is gonna go terribly wrong in the next few episodes. This is why this twist really surprised me. Kim is the guy for the job...not just Saul. And Mike apparently is not at all the guy for the job right now“