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BetterCallSaul-Season1-Episode10-REACTION-extended.mp4 * Onehub



Chuck got it quashed, so it was never on his record. That was the second chance he got because of Chuck's help. How he meant by he's 'paying for it' is being in Albuquerque under chuck's heel all these years. Him being a lawyer is entirely down to Chuck, its Chuck's identity, he was doing it to make Chuck proud. He was Slippin' Jimmy for him. I think in that moment when he played with the ring he realized he was just continuing being the man he was trying to be to make Chuck proud. Something he doesn't care about now. Meanwhile he passed up an oppportunity to make half a million dollars for being himself, Slippin' Jimmy

Jarrod Wild

Shit end of the stick? Really? Oh lord, that was so stupid it was hilarious.

Ryan B

Here's the thing about thinking Chuck was right to try to fuck up Jimmy's law career because we know where he ends up. Maybe it is a self-fulfilling prophecy? If Chuck doesn't backstab him, maybe he stays on the straight and narrow the rest of his life. It is clear that Jimmy has a good heart, and that Saul did not.

Ryan B

Better Call Saul is probably my favorite show on TV, but I would say this is my least favorite episode. From here on out it just gets better and better and better.

Bryan Givens

Score to Nikki for "Shit end of the stick"!

Bryan Givens

Like Marco, I don't think it's really about the money for Jimmy. It's about the score.

Bryan Givens

I was enjoying the season as a good, solid series until "Five-O". Then I knew we were in extraordinary "Breaking Bad" territory.

Ryan B

lol at your reaction at the end. definitely not supposed to be that confused hahahaha. i love these reactions. He's been doing the "right thing" to make his brother proud. Now that he doesn't care about that anymore he made a choice to do things his way. Also, he's not a sex offender. Chuck got him off, remember? That was why he moved to New Mexico.

Dan Hensley

Y'all pausing to discuss the (de)merits of performing a chicago sunroof is a top 10 Nikki&Steve moment. Had me crackin' up.

Frederic Faddoul

I was a little confused too at the end, like, I thought that Jimmy should have taken the deal. Everything will make sense when you start season 2 hehe