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We watch Peaky Blinders on Netflix.

This is a watch along so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There is a visual cues off the top and a timer to help you sync up.



Philipp Roensch

I believe the crutch the Irish National lady referenced there, was special branch, since now her people and the fascists have taken over the government. Even Churchill lost influence in the end, could not deny the swaying power of nationalists, so there is no secret service at Tommy's back anymore. He now has to work for the Irish, which is why he is so cool with all those American Irish in the room, he already knows who gave the order for the deal. Not to be reduced to a middle man though, he takes every oppertunity to fuck with Michel and undermine his enemies.


I knew the moment that lady said "...you've had a crutch to lean on. Yesterday we kicked away that crutch." I knew it was Polly. She was the only one that he trusted, and was able to turn to for advice when things went sour. I was hoping it wasn't her... but I knew. RIP Helen (Polly).


RIP Helen McCrory