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We rented Saltburn on Amazon.

This is a watch along so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There is a visual cues off the top and a timer to help you sync up.



Mary Robinson-Duncan

Fkn bazaar’o I’m with you Nikki wtf 🤬 did I just watch lmao 🤣

Kai Westbrook

Loved watching this reaction from you guys 😂😂❤️

Robin Lee Melendez

Been watching you guys for 5+ years - this is easily one of your FUNNIEST reactions of all time. Anyway, great movie. Barry Keoghan definitely committed to the role 100%

Philipp Roensch

A first time watch for me as well, what a damn good movie. A riot to watch with your reaction as well! [SPOILERTALK] I must admit to buying Oliver's game at first, and I thought he was just going to do everything to fit in - like slinking and submissing, but as the lies got denser and the power plays more intense, this fucker really just wants to take it all! From vampirism, ball tea with cream to hole in ones, an outrageous creep played amazingly in both subtle and LESS than sublte scenes. Barry Keoghan will make a fine Joker methinks.

Linda Wightman

This film is very divisive some people love it some hate it l personally love it even if it is very reminiscent of films like parasite the talented Mr Ripley and even the fall of the house of usher and as Steven said it looks absolutely gorgeous and the only one who seemed to see straight through Oliver was Farley who was a dick but I think had the measure of Olly maybe not the full extent of hos malevolence I'm sure he didn't expect his whole family would die. Great reaction from you both and one of the funniest definitely.

Linda Wightman

Also for to say the performances in the film are fantastic especially Barry Keoghan Jacob Elordi and Rosamund Pyke who I thought was hilarious.

Emily Tay

I watched live with you both and it was a crazy wild ride. The movie was beautiful made.

Matty B.

The film is shown in a 4:3 aspect ratio, with the director saying it gives the impression of "peeping in."

Matty B.

😂 Steven needs a shirt that says "Dick in the dirt"