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Happy (belated) New Year! Hope you guys enjoyed the holidays. I ended up taking more time off but I'm back and I'm ready for 2023! But before that, I want to reflect a bit on 2022.


Catching up with Monthly Rewards

Let me start by saying that I'm finally catching up with undelivered monthly rewards. In summary, I haven't delivered June, November and December 2022 rewards just yet (I paused Patreon for July, August, September and October so no rewards for that 4month period)

Emerald Dawn took over my life in the past 6 months so I barely had any creative energy for anything else. But with the public release of Emerald Dawn, I can finally take a proper break from it.

Just a reminder since it's been a while, June's winners are:

  • Camilla from Fire Emblem: Fates
  • Yelan from Genshin Impact (WIP above)


New Eroge Project

Working on Emerald Dawn has well and truly reignited my passion for storytelling and gamedev ^^ And so I want to keep following that desire going forward.

I’m still organizing my notes for the new project so I can’t share anything concrete right now but I do want to share some key differences to Emerald Dawn.

1. Gameplay Focus - Emerald Dawn is 100% story. The new eroge project will be 60% gameplay and 40% story. 

2. Pixel Art Style - It's not my usual style and not everyone is a fan of this style, but I really want to try getting into animation (frame-by-frame not Live2D) and I feel like going the pixel art route is far more manageable than regular animation. Plus, it's something I enjoy doing ^^

3. Patreon Involvement - Emerald Dawn is my very personal love letter to Rhea. It doesn’t make sense to involve others in its creative process. But for the new eroge I will involve you guys in various aspects of its development, mostly through polls.

So those are the major points for the new project. I’ll talk about them in detail in later posts because I don't want this post to go on forever.


What's Next for Emerald Dawn?

Oh man, I have so many plans for Emerald Dawn! With the main story done, I can finally allow myself to indulge in even more fun stuff!

I recently saw the trailers for FE: Engage and it turns out they're adding Exercise activities. Oh boy do I have a workout routine for Rhea and Byleth 😏😏

I don't want to spoil too much so I'll leave it at that. In general, the extra stories will be lighter in tone compared to the main story.


Tackling many things at once is can definitely feel overwhelming and frankly I have my doubts if I can really accomplish all of these. But last year, I didn’t think I would be able to finish Emerald Dawn. It felt like a pipe dream. It took a lot of time, energy, frustrations, disappointments, concessions, and so many sacrifices, but in the end, I finished it, and it was all worth it. Best of all? Working on Emerald Dawn reinvigorated my creative soul 🥰🥰 I can't stop now!

I feel a little more prepared to take on more stuff this year. I’m ready for more frustrations and disappointments, but I’m also looking forward to the amazing high of making something and releasing it to the world. Let’s gooooo!



Sky Scavenger

Glad to see you in high spirits! It's good to see that your achievement with Emerald Dawn fueled your creative fire. It is said that once you finish brainstorming, the ideas just won't stop. It's a great thing you got the push you needed to also begin animating in conjunction to drawing and writing, those efforts are sure to bring in good things! Hope that I can participate in helping you with your original project, and also, really excited to see more of Emerald Dawn! Of course, gonna wait for whenever you're ready to continue that, but I'm more than willing to hold my breath. Oh, that exercising stuff is already leaving me excited (in more ways than one xD); ever since your Rhea in sports clothing pieces, her working out is an idea I can't get out of my head. Can only imagine how Byleth will deal with her in yoga pants xD. Also, would it be wrong to assume one of those ideas include a beach episode? (don't answer that if you don't want to). Either way, it's great to hear from you, and hope we'll be seeing more of your art soon. Until then, Happy New Year!


It's Sendo's year this year lesgoooo indeed 🎆


A beach episode is pretty much a given haha I definitely have something planned for that! ^^ And yeah, I've had this idea about Rhea exercising for so long and now I'll get to actually explore it. It will be glorious, if I may say so myself ^^ Thanks for the warm greetings man!